Molasses, my beloved pooch, and I are growing older. She turned 11 this past December, and I hit 45 last Sunday. I generally shy away from the camera, but today I thought I would take a few pics of us and pay tribute to growing older. (Note I say growing "older" not "old". There is a difference!) Ever since I was a little girl I was determined to view the aging process as a thing of beauty. I loved the dignity and assuredness of Georgia O'Keefe. I adored the spirit of Ruth Gordon, especially in her role as Maude in "Harold and Maude". (If you have never seen this movie go rent it now!) As a 10 year old girl I vowed that I would be a woman who embraced what ever age she was, and who wore her wrinkles with pride. As a 45 year old woman, this is proving a bit more difficult to master than I had thought it would. The changes that I see in each passing year have alarmed me at times. Things aren't as toned, and it seems that age spots are appearing everywhere. I wear bifocals now! But it's all good. I look forward to each birthday. I love that I am still here! I really enjoy the process of growing into myself. Maybe it has to do with being fortunate enough to have a birthday that coincides with the arrival of spring. It's all about hope, rebirth, renewal and joy. That's how I view birthdays. I sincerely hope that I get to celebrate another 45 birthdays, and I wish that Molasses could, too.
Wow! You don't look like you are 45! Great attitude on getting older (not old ;)!)!
Very well said. I agree completely and it is challenging at times to keep on focus.
And honestly, I would have guessed you were 32:)
Congratulations! You are dno´t looking like 45! Nice to see you!
gosh you look younger than 45, happy birthday for whenever it is lol, mines this month too, like you said it is nice having it in spring I love this time of year.
Well, in true Aries spirit, you are as youthful on the inside as you are on the outside. Your pooch seems to have your spirit as well. Happy Birthday again! If your work is any indication of your "true" age- I believe it is, you will be forever young.
I honestly thought you were 25!!
Love your work, as you can see from my comments on Flickr. You have a real gift. What did you go to school for?
a lovely post with great photos, happy belated birthday!
: )
You all are so sweet, and great for my aging ego! Thanks!
kat eyez, to answer your question, I majored in graphic design and communication arts, but always loved
illustration and textiles. During my 20's I focused on weaving, but switched to quilting in my 30's. (And I adore your booties!)
Wow, you and Molasses both look great ☺ Happy Belated B'day to a fellow Aries (I just turned 41 on Monday)!
I really believe youth is conveyed from the inside out - if you feel it and live it, then it shows ☺
You and Molasses both look fabulous -- I would have guessed you were in your early 30s and that she was 5!
Wonderful photos and a great post. I have shied away from the camera in recent years myself, but perhaps I need to get a few shots of this time.
Thanks for the inspiration!
You are a very young 45! It is nice to have a face to put to all that awesome artwork.
Happy Birthday to you too fellow Aries!
You and Molasses both look beautiful!!
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