The other afternoon, I was sitting in a coffee shop minding my own business, when a bright flash shot through my mind an an image of this work appeared. No kidding... it was just like a flash of bright light and in the middle of it I saw this piece, clear as day, then poof... it was gone.

I quick grabbed a napkin and jotted down the image along with a few notes, and went right home and began to stitch.

This piece has so many of the elements that intrigue me... texture, line, color, pattern, as well as that which appears old, patched, stitched and repaired. I enjoyed working on this so much that I think many more should come, different sizes and colors, bits and pieces... lots of ideas!

And yes, being the easily distracted person that I am, I know that there is a good chance by next week I will be onto something else, but I have a feeling this may actually keep me intrigued for a bit longer then my usual attention span allows!

Well, lookie there... I already did a second piece! And just like in the previous piece each patch is first hemmed under and rimmed in a red hand stitch, then it is discreetly hand stitched to a base patch, (also rimmed in red) which is made up of two layers of fabric.

The finished works are then hand stitched to a piece of 140 lb. cold press watercolor paper, making it a breeze to mat and frame!

I know that the work is very simple by nature, but it is done in a slow, thoughtful, meditative way, (and takes a whole lot longer to create then one might think). What is left out is often as important as what is left in, and simplicity can be deceptively challenging!

These untitled works have been listed in my shop here and here.
More works are to come.
Have a great weekend everyone!