Of all the embroidery stitches, I believe that the french knot is and always has been my favorite. I was probably around 9 or 10 years old when I first learned how to make one, and I thought it was magic! In 10th grade I got kicked out of my math class for embroidering while the teacher lectured, (sorry but it was the only way I could keep from falling asleep!). I had to report to the principal's office for my punishment. After explaining to the secretary why I was sent down to see the principle, she smiled and requested to see my embroidery. I still remember how kind she was, telling me that my french knots were beautiful, and letting me skip seeing the principle and allowing me to go hang out in the library. The librarian was equally kind to me, and said that any time a teacher did not want me in their class, (something that happened more then once) I was more then welcome to come spend my time in the library!
Pictured above is the latest in my small art quilt series. I call it "Amoeba in Pink and Green". It features approximately 275 french knots. They are just like eating potato chips, I just can't stop at one!