First off, blog breaks are boring!
Doing a bit better, but still having some problems with the 'ol back and sitting comfortably for even short periods of time proves very uncomfortable. The right shoulder is still being ornery, too. (Thanks everyone for your sweet words and suggestions!)
Chiropractor suggested 4-6 weeks of physical therapy 2x a week... my wallet thought different. So, I have been doing exercises that he gave me, at home, to try and get things back on track. (No pun intended!)
Happily as of last night, I am finally feeling some relief for the first time. Hope to make the rounds and visit blogs this week. I miss seeing what everyone is up to!
The new fabric I had printed at Spoonflower came the other day, and it was so much fun to see it in person! The coasters in the picture above were easily stitched up using the "Marrakech Mix" design. (Try as I might I can't get the green and orange to show up clearly in the photos... they just sort of blend in with the yellow... in person the colors are much clearer and distinct.)
Marrakech Mix:
Moroccan Medley:
And for anyone who is curious, here's my plan... as soon as I am feeling better, I am currently in the process of switching my
BooDilly's vintage de-stashing Etsy shop, (which did very nicely the past year, but which I have grown bored up keeping) to a shop selling some of my new fabric designs. (Please tell me you think that's a fine idea and that I am not being delusional playing fabric designer!)
More new fabric, from 5 designs that I did the other week but didn't show, have now been ordered and are on their way. Here's a peek at what they will look like... (Click on the pic for a better view.)

Well, I hope you all like what you see...
(Feel free to lie if you don't.)
Time to go stretch and exercise now, as I have been on too long, and can now feel my back starting to seize up, (damn, damn, damn). I am getting very frustrated.