Monday, October 12, 2009

Blog Breaks Are Boring!

First off, blog breaks are boring!

Doing a bit better, but still having some problems with the 'ol back and sitting comfortably for even short periods of time proves very uncomfortable. The right shoulder is still being ornery, too. (Thanks everyone for your sweet words and suggestions!)

Chiropractor suggested 4-6 weeks of physical therapy 2x a week... my wallet thought different. So, I have been doing exercises that he gave me, at home, to try and get things back on track. (No pun intended!)

Happily as of last night, I am finally feeling some relief for the first time. Hope to make the rounds and visit blogs this week. I miss seeing what everyone is up to!

The new fabric I had printed at Spoonflower came the other day, and it was so much fun to see it in person! The coasters in the picture above were easily stitched up using the "Marrakech Mix" design. (Try as I might I can't get the green and orange to show up clearly in the photos... they just sort of blend in with the yellow... in person the colors are much clearer and distinct.)

Marrakech Mix:

Moroccan Medley:

And for anyone who is curious, here's my plan... as soon as I am feeling better, I am currently in the process of switching my BooDilly's vintage de-stashing Etsy shop, (which did very nicely the past year, but which I have grown bored up keeping) to a shop selling some of my new fabric designs. (Please tell me you think that's a fine idea and that I am not being delusional playing fabric designer!)

More new fabric, from 5 designs that I did the other week but didn't show, have now been ordered and are on their way. Here's a peek at what they will look like... (Click on the pic for a better view.)

Well, I hope you all like what you see...
(Feel free to lie if you don't.)
Time to go stretch and exercise now, as I have been on too long, and can now feel my back starting to seize up, (damn, damn, damn). I am getting very frustrated.


QuiltyBee said...

I had some back/should problems from sitting at the computer too long, finally ending up with a frozen shoulder. PT was excruciating and unhelpful. So I did my morning yoga dvd 2xs day--it was like going to the chiropractor, straightening and balancing me. Made a huge difference for me. Good luck with that.

High Desert Diva said...

Back pain is the affects everything. You have my sympathy!

Love your new fabric designs, the last one pictured in particular. Can't wait to see what you create with it....

Audrie said...

Hope your back continues to feel better! Your fabrics are gorgeous and I think selling them would be a brilliant idea :)

Diane J. Evans said...

You ARE a fabric designer, and that's no lie! These are gorgeous -- can't wait to see what you'll do with them.

They say that you know you're getting older when your back goes out more than YOU do. I'm sorry for all the problems you're having -- good luck and may you recover fast.


Anonymous said...

When I saw you had posted earlier, I was hoping that meant your back was better. I'm sorry it's still not where you want it to be.

But these fabrics are BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to buy these and more.

*fingers are itching to cut and sew*

Amy C said...

whaoo everything you do just turns out brilliantly and beautiful, go for it.
Love the bluebells design

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

You are hardy delusional. You've got a great eye for fun, colorful prints and I'm sure everyone else will think so, too.

Allie said...

Ugh - back pain is the worst! Well, any pain is. But it's bad. Do the exercises faithfully - they will help.
Your fabric is GORGEOUS. I think you're very wise to put yourself out there as the new and upcoming designer! You have a wonderful eye for color and design and you're going to do well, I just know it. Go for it!

pippinsequim said...

Dooo it! I love the samples that you posted and I am looking forward to seeing what else you make. :)

RosaMaría said...

wow Victoria! those fabrics are amazing! and the coasters... no words..! is good read you again, hope every day your back be better.

connie said...

I do like what I see. You are very good at this fabric design thing. I hope your back gets to feeling better soon. I also have some back issues but ice is my friend. I ice it until it is just so cold I can't stand it, I do it every time I rest when it is hurting. I also do alot of abdominal work and the stronger I keep my abs the happier my back is.

Take Care of yourself and I love what you are doing. AS USUAL...

Kickcan & Conkers said...

These look beautiful!

dark horse said...

Thank you for your inspiring blog! I have a suggestion for your back, this is a form of yoga using a modern bed of nails. I have one myself, and it is incredibly relaxing! I know it sounds unlikely, but in Europe it is a big trend in health care. I don't know what brands you have in the US, but this is the original
Maybe you can find a cheaper one locally, but I wouldn't buy one without recommendation, as the nails need to be close enough together so it doesn't hurt. If you are interested you can search for more information from other sources. I wish you luck and good health! Hope to see more of your fabric designs soon.

Best wishes, Beatrice

linda said...

love it, love it, love it!!

Carla said...

I feel your pain. My husband suffers from constant back pain. Or rather his muscles compensating for the bad discs he has. Feel better soon.

Hey Harriet said...

You keep on doing those excercises so you feel better soon. As boring as they may be :( I hope you recover soon. Back pain is sucks big time!

Your new designs are wonderful! You ARE a fabric designer! A great one at that! You go girl!

XUE said...

Love your latest pretty, happy designs. Makes me think of kids jumping around in fields filled with these blooms !

please sir said...

The fabric looks great and I hope you feel better!

Cheryl Arkison said...

What a great transition into a new venture for you. Congratulations!
PS Totally in love with the one on the bottom right.

picciolo said...

hello little miss fabric designer! These all look great, and I love the coasters that you made with your fabric. I hope your back continues to improve, look after yourself

Jackie said...

You have a very distinctive style of fabric design. Are you going to be the new Amy butler?
Your back will get better suddenly I'm sure. Mine did last year after 11 weeks. One day I woke up and it was fine. as for your shoulder..I am a strong believer in 'Deep Heat' do you have it there? A cream you rub on and it gets hot. Usually works for me.
Get well soon.

Carla said...

That is wonderful fabric! It would be so cool on patio furniture. Your coasters came out great!

T.Allen said...

Yay! for new ventures; your fabric designs are amazing!

Sorry about your back pain, I'm sending you some healing energies so you can continue to dazzle us with your work.

Colleen MacDonald said...

YIPPEE! Fabric Designs from one of my favorite geniuses!

I'm glad that you've found some stretches to help with your back; I'm having to do PT on my knee; it sucks getting older in some ways! But then, there's the freedom of self expression that I didn't have in my 20's, so that kinda makes up for it. Sending you healing love!

Fer said...

So glad you're on the mend! Those fabrics would certainly cheer you up as well. I love the new designs too - yay for you!!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

..aaaaaaaaaaaaaand she's off!

A new chapter in creativity for Victoria. Hooray!

jacquie said...

total good news!! i'm saving my pennies starting today!! glad you're feeling a bit better!!

Karen said...

wow Victoria!!! I go away for 5 minutes and you morph into a fabric designer of unrivalled class!! I love what I see! Keep it up but the back comes first!

Anonymous said...

Whoah-that's your latest fabric designs?
It's really excellent!

Zarina said...

I love the bright colors.