Monday, October 19, 2009

Shot Cotton

Here's a peek at what I am currently working on. It's a small quilt inspired by old, patched work quilts.

I'm using shot cottons, which are probably my favorite of all fabrics.

They are woven with two colors, one for the weft and one for the warp. This creates great subtle shifts in color as the fabric moves and the light hits it.


By the way, the photo of my daughter from the post below was taken at the White Chalk Cliffs at Brighton-on-the-Sea, England. And yes, my heart momentarily stopped when I first saw it, as my head screamed, "Are you CRAZY! What the $#@^%!! are you doing up there!!??!!" But then my fear was replaced with tremendous pride. I admire people who live full lives.

Thanks also, for continued well wishes. I have good days and bad days and a heating pad is my constant companion when sitting or lying. Ben Gay and I are getting to be pretty good friends, too! Back is slowly improving, but shoulder keeps wanting to pop and dislocate with even the slightest movement, (ouch). Taking it a day at a time. But today's a good day. After a week of rain the sun is shining. Sometimes that's all you really need!


connie said...

Oh, I love the fabric. I have never seen it. I will have to go looking now. I am anxious to see your finished piece. When you quilt do you use the pin's for basting as in the photos or do you use thread? I have had challenges with the pins.

Take Care of yourself :-)

karen said...

Oh! That looks tantalizing and gorgeous!

I haven't gotten into solids yet with my quilting (other than good ol' white)... but finding and following your blog, your work is opening my eyes to exciting possibilities!

I love your Mod Square pillow! Great article on Metropolitan Home. Kudos!

RosaMaría said...

that quilt looks great!!! have a fantastic week!!!

leilani said...

Many good thoughts are going out that the back and shoulder continue to heal. The new piece is vibrant!

XUE said...

Happy Monday, V ! I dread the day when my kids will leave me & I will get similiar exciting pics like those you're getting!

Audrie said...

The quilt looks really awesome! Hope your back and shoulder continue to feel better. I'm amazed you get anything done with that shoulder the way it is!

please sir said...

Excited by your new project and the photo of your daughter. I MISS traveling so much...must go out there soon!

Victoria said...

Thanks all.

Connie, I have a hard time finding this fabric in stores. Just one local, privately owned store near me carries it, but you can find it on line. I have shot cotton from both Kaffe Fassett and from Robert Kaufman, (Chambray collection.) Kaffe Fassett also makes striped shot cotton which is scrumptious, too.

As for the pins... Yes, when I machine quilt I just baste with big old safety pins, which I remove as I get close to the needle. (For hand quilting I baste with thread.) xo

Diane J. Evans said...

Love your choice of colors in the shot cotton -- and now I have to look for it myself! Please take good care of yourself -- rest that back and shoulder as much as possible.


Unknown said...

Shot cottons are great. Kaffe Fassett has a wonderful line of beautiful shot cottons. I just love that photo of your daughter. The reaction you first had would have been the same reaction of mine. But you are so right in admiring people who live full lives. I feel the same way about those people. Glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself. Hope you are back to normal soon.

Allie said...

That quilt looks GLORIOUS. I love shot cottons!
I too admire folks who live life to the fullest, take chances. I used to be one. Then I got old and decrepit and just like to watch other people take chances, lol.
Feel better hon!

Hey Harriet said...

Shot cottons? Wefts? Warps? I feel as though I landed on another planet where everybody talks funny ;)

Your shoulders keep wanting to pop out dislocate? Ewwww! That sounds horrible! I'm glad things are improving. The sun should help speed up the recovery process. I'll send some extra warm Aussie sunshine your way. Continue to take it easy and look after yourself Vic xo

linda said...

Love those cottons! I know you're probably anxious to get working on your projects, but if you over do it, it'll take that much longer to get back into the swing of things. (That was my "mom" voice talking!) ;>) About those kids, mine decided he wanted to jump out of an airplane with his girlfriend for his birthday. Who in their right mind would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I did go watch though. It was wonderful to see such exictement in his eyes. Have a great day!

Amy C said...

this looks really lovely and interesting, the colors are really warm and cozy and totally seasonal.

Colleen MacDonald said...

I love shot cotton (also called chambray?) and the colors that you've chosen are good enough to eat!

Take care of that back and your shoulder... OW-EEEE...

Jackie said...

So It wasn't Greece! It was the lack of green that threw me. I've been to those cliffs too but they are a long way from here.
I love the shot cotton..I've used shot silk before but never cotton.

Fer said...

Looks like another beautiful BooDilly quilt is evolving nicely.

Constant back pain is really depressing. I'm glad you're finding solace with a quilt. Chin up and you'll get there!

Bettina Groh said...

I remember running towards those cliff edges over 60 years ago! My mother's heart was in her throat... I so loved to torment her with my love of heights!

jacquie said...

sunshine and the luminosity of shot cotton makes for a good day. glad you are doing a bit better. try not to overdo!

here's to full lives!

picciolo said...

I think shot cottons are among my favourites too, they always looks so luxurious somehow. I hope you continue to have good days, your poor back and shoulders don't sound like much fun at the moment
: )

Rhonwyyn said...

Hi Victoria,

I discovered you on Etsy. I live in Lancaster, too, so I'm really curious what that "small, privately owned" fabric store is and where it's located! I also really like your fabrics that you're selling. Will you ever have them available by the yard?
