Sunday, October 18, 2009

On Top of The World!

How's this for living large?
That's eldest daughter up there!
I, sitting here,
far, far away,
am in total awe.


Hey Harriet said...

Is that your daughter up there? Yikes! I'd be too scared to get that close to the edge. I am afraid of heights though so that doesn't help matters ;)

What an adventure your daughter must be having. Lucky things she is! have you pcked your bags ready to join her yet? ;) Hope you're feeling a bit better now. have a nice relaxing weekend and rest your back! xo

Audrie said...

That's such a brilliant shot!

dutchcomfort said...

Great picture!

Hope you’re doing fine!

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

This a fantastic picture; it would make a great quilt!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Fantastic pic. As a mom receiving it I'd be saying "get down off that rock before you fall in."

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Wooooo! That's exciting. For both of you.

High Desert Diva said...

This looks like a movie still.............brilliant!

jacquie said...

looks like she's have a wonderful time! sounds like you're a little better too.

kelly said...

Fantastic photo! Thanks so much for sharing it, Victoria.

Jackie said...

That must be Greece!
But colder than ever I remember it.

picciolo said...

wow what a great picture, where did she go?
: )

connie said...

What an incredible photo and experience! I hope both of you are well......

T.Allen said...

Wow! How exciting...I love it!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing picture! I would be filled with pride. :)

henny said...

Amazing pic! She must be exciting being up high there :)
Didn't you said "get down now!" after took the pic? :)

Allie said...

AWESOME pic!!!

RosaMaría said...

wow!!! awesome picture!!! she is in england tha's right? and looks like she had a fantastic time there!!!

Cristin said...

WOWZA! Where in the world are you???
Amazing pic :-)

Colleen MacDonald said...

That is so cool, Victoria. And meaningful, too in a funny way. I always feel like parenting is a process of letting go and coming back together. And here she is sending you this picture of her far far away doing something totally on her own. It's so sweet.

Amy C said...

whaoo, I love it she is a girl after my own heart!

woolies said...

Phenomenal picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stephie @ narrative self said...

That's the White Cliffs of Dover! Is it Beachy Head? Hope she had a fantastic time, it's a very beautiful place.