Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Stitch a Day Keeps the Blues at Bay

Pink Flower, Blue Butterfly

I have continued taking all of that low energy and soon-to-be empty nest blues...

Blue Butterfly

and placed every bit of it into stitching...

Butterfly No. 2

and with every stitch I have taken, my energy has increased... 


and my mood has lifted...

Home Sweet Home

and everything's good!

PS. You may wonder why I am not spending every single minute with youngest daughter... soaking her in until she leaves for college next week. I would if I could, but she's hardly ever here! Work and friends keep her busy, and when she is home, chances are she is in her room playing guitar or painting... and now packing. Apparently, all summer long she's been thoughtfully breaking me in and preparing me for when she leaves for college so it doesn't hit me too hard... but I am still going to miss her!


Donna said...

Your hand stitching is awesome! The Kaffe lotus on butterfly 2 works so well! :-)

Sujata Shah said...

These are so YOU! I love the peace it conveys. Hand-stitching is truly soul soothing, Isn't it?

smazoochie said...

Love your Bolton-esque pieces. Good luck to your butterfly as she flies off on her own.

O'Quilts said...

These are so wonderful that they cheer ME right up...thank u...

Nifty Quilts said...

I love your story about turning sadness into beauty. You do it so well! These are all so charming.

Anonymous said...

I felt like that about my daughter's senior year - she was so busy and so seldom home, it wasn't all that strange when she was at college. It has been wonderful having her home for the summer!

Unknown said...

Victoria, we are in the same boat! My sweet daughter starts college tomorrow! She has been working and busy with her friends all summer--not as much time for me as I had wished after high school graduation. So I have cherished the occasional movie afternoons we've had, or going out for a lunch. I've been stitching all weekend too--it has helped. Your work is so beautiful! My heart feels for you as I know exactly what you are going through. Oh dear--I think my daughter has ESP--she just called me from work! Hugs to you! --Sandy Leigh

Pinkadot Quilts said...

What fun little pieces!

Susie Tunks said...

I have been following your blog for a long time now! First time to comment. LOVE your pieces! I remember fiddling with bits of fabric and stitching them when I was very young living in Europe. Your work brings feelings and bits of memories I don't even know if I remember! I need you to write a book to show us your creative process! :) I want to stitch like that and feel the peace your work conveys! Thanks for your process! I am not an empty-nester yet but my heart clenches at the thought of my two teen girls gone from home. You have my happy stitching vibes! :)

Karin på Ösäter said...

I love these small pictures!

Karin på Ösäter

Diane J. Evans said...

Good for you -- channeling your energy in the most creative way possible. I especially love "Butterfly #2."


Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Your post has really touched me. I'm crying because now I see it from her perspectve through your writing how my mom would have felt when I was getting ready to move out and go to university. I was the same - friends, work, packing. I wish I could turn the clock back and hang out with my mom more...

Your stitching is beautiful. I aspire to be be able to what you do one day :) Thank you.

Victoria said...

Aw, Amy that is so sweet. Don't feel bad, I think we all wish we could go back and do certain things over. It's taken me years of being a mom to fully appreciate all that my mother did for me, and I also wish that I at the time had been nicer and more plugged into her feelings. If only we knew then what we know now. xo

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

Ooooh, I love these! There's hardly any better medicine for empty nest blues, or any other kind of blues for that matter, than to stitch it into cloth. Enjoy this next step of your life!

Anonymous said...

Your hand stitching is gorgeous.