Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cultural Fusion Quilts Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Today I have the pleasure of participating in a blog tour/giveaway for a wonderful new quilt book titled Cultural Fusion Quiltsauthored by Sujata Shah and published by C&T Publishing. I am sure that many of you are already familiar with the talented Sujata Shah and her blog The Root Connection. If not, it is my sincere delight to introduce you to her here along with her new book.

Cultural Fusion Quilts begins with a brief introduction into Sujata's formative years growing up in India surrounded by a culture steeped in a rich textile history, followed by her coming to America as a young bride. 

Sujata initially was not the least bit interested in sewing, (in fact she once told her mother that she would rather die then hold a needle in her hand! I thought that hilarious as I also remember my own horror at the idea of quilting upon the first time my mother proudly showed me the Amish quilt she had just purchased. I simply could not imagine a more boring and tedious thing to do... God must have a grand time laughing at our young selves!)

Lucky for us, Sujata eventually found herself drawn to quilt making. The more she studied the more she came to define her own aesthetic, realizing that she was drawn to the styles, (and often surprising similarities) of the utilitarian quilts found and rooted in Indian, African and South American cultures. 

Says Sujata, "I wanted more then just straight lines in my quilt" (Amen, sister!)

This realization led to new quilt making techniques for Sujata as she began to cut her fabrics free hand with scissors instead of with rotary cutter and ruler, and experiment with new ways of creating traditional blocks in a free-form style. 

In her book Cultural Fusion Quilts, Sujata shows us 15 of her beautiful modern quilts, all based on traditional block designs, and explains how they can be made using her free-form piecing methods. The best part of working in this method is that individuality is built into this process... while you can duplicate the look of a quilt, each quilt will at the same time always be a one-of-a-kind original. 

I also have a long love of utilitarian quilts, and like Sujata, I often choose to forgo the ruler and rotary cutter, preferring to use just my scissors and internal judgement for cutting my quilt pieces. I can attest that this is a wonderful way to work! Not only are the quilts more interesting and unique, (in my opinion) the whole process is more engaging. If you have never tried working in this way before, the projects found in Cultural Fusion Quilts will be sure to make you want to try!

Each project begins with a photo of the finished quilt, along with a photo of its "Root Connection" where Sujata introduces us to the project's inspiration. Simple, straightforward step by step instructions accompany each project and then Sujata opens the door even wider by including possible variations to each quilt's design process.

One of the main attractions for me in regards to this book is that while it shows step by step quilt projects based on blocks, the blocks themselves are really technique based, (as opposed to precision cutting, piecing and/or template based.) These techniques become tools to put in our quilting-know-how tool belt, and once learned, we get to pull these techniques out time and time again to play with, explore and uniquely create with. I look forward to playing around with Sujata's techniques and can hardly wait to see where they lead me to!

Another main attraction for me is that I believe Sujata's ultimate goal is to encourage everyone to explore what inspires them, experiment with some new ways of working, and ultimately deepen their own unique, creative voice. That is a passion of mine, and I am so happy to be able to share Sujata's beautiful book and her teaching skills with all of you, as I think she helps pave the way to finding one's own creative voice excellently. It doesn't get much better then that. Thanks, Sujata!

If you would like to receive a copy of Cultural Fusion Quilts, please leave a comment below telling us what  currently inspires you in your quilt making process! Remember, only one comment per person, please, and make sure that your comment link's back to a profile with your email link, (if it doesn't, leave your email address at the end of your comment).

I will be closing comments and randomly selecting a winner on Tuesday evening, (Dec. 9th) and will post who the lucky person is on Wednesday, Dec. 10th. (If the winner is a US resident, they will receive a hard copy of the book from C&T Publishing. Any winner outside of the US will receive an E-Book that can be downloaded.) Good luck!

(This Giveaway Now Closed)

For more reviews and chances to win a copy of the book, you can visit the other blogs               
                         participating in this blog tour. Each blog will hold their own giveaway 
                               for approximately 5 days, (so be sure to check them out soon!)

Tuesday December 2 Sujata Shah @ The Root Connection
Wednesday December 3 LeeAnn Decker @ Nifty Quilts
Thursday December 4 Victoria Gertenbach @ The Silly Boodilly
Friday December 5 Rachaeldaisy @ Blue Mountain Daisy
Saturday December 6 Lori Dejarnett @ Humble Quilts
  Sunday December 7 Casey York @ The Studiolo
Monday December 8 Malka Dubrawsky @ A Stitch in Dye
Tuesday December 9 Sherri Lynn Wood @ daintytime
Wednesday December10 Bonnie Hunter @ Quiltville's Quips and Snips
Thursday December 11 Jake Finch @ Generation Q
Friday December 12 Jan Burgwinkle @ Be*mused
Saturday December 13 Janet Treen @ Quiltsalott
Sunday December 14 Lindsay Conner @ Lindsay Sews 


Nancy said...

For the past couple of years I have been inspired by antique reproduction quilts but would love to go in a different direction. This looks like a very inspiring book.

kay said...

This book looks wonderful! Currently I am inspired in my quiltmaking by minimalism (think Amish) and by African pattern

Linda in NC said...

I'm being inspired by antique quilts, my scissors, and color - always color.

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book. Truth-be-told, the photos people are posting from it are my current inspiration!

magistra said...

Right now I'm new at this so I am reading many blogs. I am inspired by all the creativity and spirit of sharing found in them. I am still working on finding my unique voice as I practice and immerse myself in the vision of others. Magistra13 at yahoo dot com

Gill said...

This looks a fabulous idea - I love the idea of cutting freehand but I haven't done any yet!!
I love seeing all the fabulous quilts on blogs such as yours!

Hilda said...

I find inspiration in the many blogs I read--it's my morning ritual to wake up. I tend to go more towards Gwen Marston's liberated style. Thanks for the giveaway.

patty a. said...

I can't say that there is any one thing that inspires me. Right now I am making quilts from different approaches - improv, using up leftover flannel, and making DP blocks for a quilt along over at Field Trips in Fiber that will be inspired by your ups and down piece.

Chris said...

My main inspirations lately are people. I have been working on - for lack of a better word - tribute quilts. It is fun, and creative, and the end product is never how I expected it to end up. Thank you for a beautiful review.

Anonymous said...

I am currently inspired by the quilts being made by members of my guild. Each month they generously bring these creations to our monthly meetings for show and tell.

Unknown said...

Such great colours & lovely blocks!

Corinnea said...

I had not heard of her before unfortunately, but I'm following her now. I love technique based instruction. It allows such freedom to go and do your own thing! This would be a fantastic book to have!

Karen H said...

I'm always inspired by colour and nature. As the cold weather moves in I find that butterscotch and caramel tones make me want to make something warm and cozy! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book!

Diane said...

I am inspired by so many quilts that can be seen on blogs, pinterest and at quilt shows. So many quilts, so little time! This book looks fabulous!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I have been interested in Sujata's style of work for the last three years. I love it. Right now I am inspired by photographs and working with the angles and curves within them.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Jeanne said...

I'm inspired by quilting connections to the past. I often imagine myself living in this place but 100 years ago, and try to visualize quilts that might have been used then.
Love the "freestyle" in this new book, and would like to explore it!

Claudia said...

I would love to own this book! I'm very interested in improv techniques and inspired by color. Thanks!

James P said...

This is exactly the book I need right now. Pick me, please! Thanks for the chance to win.

Quilteuse Forever said...

These quilts show how colors are more important than exact piecing!

Jayne said...

Such beautiful quilts! Right now and always ~ color inspires my quilts.

Poppy Seed Arts said...

I would love to make the quilts in Sujata's book. Very bright and warm colors is just what I need during the bleak months of winter here in the northeast. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway! freshman(dot)quilter(at)gmail(dot)com

chitra gupta said...

This is exactly the book I need right now. Pick me, please! Thanks for the chance to win.

Vicki B said...

This looks like a great book. No style of quilting right now. Too busy. I'll take 10 minutes of anything that inspires me.

Vicki W said...

Inspiration comes from all kinds of things. Sometimes it's a particular block, sometimes it's something I see on the web or the fabric or the person I'm making the quilt for. It comes from everywhere!

dolores said...

This is great...very freeing as I never really have points meet in the first place!:) Thanks for the intro!

Frog Quilter said...

Anything and everything is included in my quilts. They play nicely!

christine said...

Great review of a great book!

antique quilter said...

What a great review! I have admired Sujata's work for a long time, love that she shares so much of her techniques and what inspires her. I can't wait to read this book and there are a few quilts I have seen I would love to make from the book….
lately I have been working on letting that creative voice inside my head out and following my passion , staying true to my style while exploring stepping out of the box ,,,,
its all about the process , the journey , the exploring.
the learning and being happy
thanks for the opportunity to win the book

Sharon T said...

I get most of my inspiration from blogs such as yours and from all the fantastic fabric that is tantalizing me! I can't wait to own this book!

Lynda said...

there isn't one thing that inspires me - sometimes it is the beautiful array of fabrics lined up and sometimes it is a wonderful pattern that makes me want to create - when the two mesh together, it is a joy.

Rebecca said...

The one thing that inspires me the most is talking to other quilters about what they are working on now...patterns they are using and changing...colors that they like together ect...Oh My I Love Quilters!

Nann said...

Of course I'd love to win a copy of the book! My most immediate inspiration is a self-imposed challenge to use up the 1930's reproductions in my stash. I'm no longer enamored of those prints but they're too good to give away and too assorted to sell.

June D said...

I'm inspired by blogs, pinterest, museums, floors, details on buildings, dresses and fabric! I've enjoyed Root Connection blog gosh for about five years now! Wonderful ideas! Thank you for putting my name in the hat for the drawing.

CecileD said...

I'm a traditional quilter but I have the chance to have a friend who loves modern quilts and sometimes, I try to do one....
Lovely book with lovely quilts !

audrey said...

Currently I am feeling inspired by the utilitarian (but graphic) style quilts I see. I would love to learn more about how to make one myself. This book sounds absolutely wonderful.:)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I am inspiraed by shapes - I love how different vlocks look once repeated. Improv is also very inspirational.

CyndyK said...

I am currently inspired by scrap quilts. It's fun taking fabrics that don't go together and making something beautiful in the end. Cynthia Knapp

floribunda said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book! Currently inspire by many of the new blogs I've discovered through this "book tour" -- love your recent quilts!

Unknown said...

Currently I love everything!!! with the color orange.

Rachaeldaisy said...

I've really enjoyed reading your review of Sujatas book! Colour is always an inspiration!

Hilacha (loose strand) said...

What most inspires me is looking a numerous quilts from different sources and of different styles. I begin copying an idea and end up with something quite different and of my own creation.

greeneggs said...

What a beautiful book! At the moment I'm inspired by deep saturated colours combined with crisp stripes. To me they have a circu look about them. I'm pretty attached to my rotary cutter, so a new approach would be exciting!

Wtrstone said...

I am inspired by the patterns I see in the landscape around me - windows, roofs etc. Also the interplay of colors. I have been drooling over this book ever since I heard rumors of it on Sujata's blog. Thanks for a chance to win a copy!

Heather said...

I have recently realised that creating movement in a quilt design is important to me, I quickly lose interest in making lots of static blocks.

Anne said...

Lots of inspiration from blogs, fabric, nature, and pattern everywhere.

Adele said...

Just got Kiracofe's new book and it's total inspiration. The pictures from Sujata's book have only reinforced those ideas.

one line lane said...

Color is the first inspiration for me, followed closely by pattern. This book looks like it's a great combo of those two.

sjzak said...

The process of looking cutting and sewing inspires me in this technique of quilting.

maureen said...

I've always gravitated to the "scrappy look", but have tended to stay with traditional blocks and strips.
I find myself being drawn to "improv" quilts lately and more colors! This book is perfect to get me started on my next adventure!!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Sarah said...

I love the thoughts that seem to be behind this book!

Kirsten said...

My current inspiration is that book you talked about, using free-form patching, whose name I can't recall. I've been blocked in a lot of ways recently, so I started on freehand log cabin blocks, and moved on to just plain old free-hand. I keep being drawn back to my sewing machine. I need to reset the timing, so it will run forever.

My relatively inactive blog is linked; if you comment there, I'll get the message.

Madhu Mathur said...

I love all of Sujata's quilts! Yet, personally, I am so taken up by accuracy and precision in my own quilting and quilt design. I do need to break free from my style and am sure this book will help me find the route to freedom!

beth s said...

I recieved some really old quilting books this week and was inspired by the old designs. THanks for the chance to win.

Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

I am inspired by reading about others who like to experiment and play and like to do their own thing!

Nathalie said...

fabric is always my inspiration.

Sharon said...

I've been inspired by Gwen Marston and others of like-mind to follow my own path and try new things. I'm drawn to improvisation and Gee's Bend-type quilts lately. And I love working with scissors instead of the rotary cutter! This book by Sujata sounds like what I would like to try more of!

Havplenty said...

I love the colors, textures and prints of ethnic fabrics (i.e. African, Aboriginal, Indian). I am most inspired by them and am working to incorporate these prints in my quilting.


leanne said...

ooh looks like a wonderful book ! I'm being inspired by solids right now - they just seem to be everywhere - and love that there are lots of solids in this book.

Beth said...

I am mostly inspired by color, and by the people I am sewing for!

Michele said...

I love these quilts, especially the shimmering triangle one. Very tempted to let go and do some free form piecing.
Thanks for the review

Juliann in WA said...

I will admit to have bery little quilting inspiration lately but looking at the photos from this book might just get me back to my sewing room. Thanks

Donna~~ said...

Currently, I have a new puppy, so her naps inspire me. ;) But normally it is color that makes me love to quilt.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Looks like a fun book!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I live repeating patterns and strong colors so this book is right up my alley. I would live to win a copy! Thanks!!

Catskill Quilter said...

My inspiration comes from quilt blogs, as well as fine art photography. It sounds as though this book has alot to offer!

Jenny said...

my current inspiration comes from trolling thru my very first flickr favorites from years ago...

Jan said...

Oh my, how can you choose a winner from all these entries? Good luck with that.
My current inspiration comes from several sources. First is the fabric, I just dyed several yards and want to use these pieces in my next quilt. Next I came to your flicker page to gain inspiration from your beautiful work. Also looking at my quilting book I have by Kaffe Fasset and Liza Prior Lucy. So now I'm planning about 3 quilts in my immediate future. The book you are sharing here would be a good inspiration for me, I like quilting by the seat of my pants and prefer a bit of wonkiness in my work.

Rina Mason said...

What a wonderful book! It's just filled with inspiration and the color choices are amazing. I am inspired by just about everything from nature to colors to patterns. Right now I have a paper towel under my cookie and the pattern in it is inspiring me.

Carli The Quilter said...

This book is one of my must haves for the new year. I love your ideas! thanks for this giveaway!

Marla said...

I'm inspired by the colors and shapes I see in every day life.

Paige said...

Color is always an inspiration. Free form in the title caught my eye.

Ruth said...

I love the quilt on the cover! Please add me to the drawing!

the girlfriend gap said...

I am inspired by every woman who makes a quilt.
When I see fabric I am inspired. When I see a pattern I wonder what fabrics I would use to make that quilt. Sewing is the best hobby! I would really be interested to read Sujata's book and learn her technique. Thank you for a chance to win. USA reader. Janita

Kathryn said...

I'm inspired by big bold color designs, and this book looks like it has plenty.

pilar said...

The patch are lightfull
I love the first one
And I would love to win this wonderful book

Kathleen said...

My son-in-law is a camera buff and I like to look at his photographs for color inspirations, since I'm very bad at knowing what colors go together!

Jill said...

I am always inspired by antique quilts, but I believe you can find inspiration around every corner.

Janet said...

I'm inspired by colors,their relationship to each other, and shapes!

Kim said...

Oh my the more I see of this book the more I really want to learn Sujata's techniques. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Happy Sewing and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours

Karen (Misiz C) said...

There is no one source of inspiration..... antique quilts, modern quilts and all things in between. Love unusual color combinations that happen in nature. The list is endless!

Karen said...

What is currently inspiring me is the work in Australia, specifically medallion quilts.

Heidi said...

I am inspired lately by quilts that have a story, and by unique fabric combinations. Looks like a great read:-)

Maryse said...

I find inspiration everywhere, in books, patterns, fabrics and sometimes from the work of others. At first, when I started to make quilts, I was inclined to do exactly as in books but with time I realized that the satisfaction was not the same. Creativity is a work in progress, it is something I have to work at but the gratification is much greater when I create my own or when I bring something different.

I enjoyed very much discovering Sujata and her new book...I am definitely a new fan of her work.

Paulette said...

I am in an exploratory phase in quilt making, so many things inspire me. It may be traditional, modern, and anything in between. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing book!

Annemieke said...

Hi Victoria,
I have been ispired by lots of talented people like Gwen Marston, Freddy Moran, Lee-Ann (Nifty Quilts) and my daughter who works with my left overs (she has little money to spend) and makes beatiful things just by herself. Also she lived in Africa and will be traveling soon again. The African culture is a great inspiration.
Happy to win a copy;)

Lisa England said...

Lately I am inspired by scraps. It's always fun to mix lots of treasured fabrics together. I think the patterns in this book would be a good fit for scraps.

Ellee said...

My main inspiration these days has come from the large number of babies recently born to family and friends this year as well as the ones due next year. These babies each need a beautiful quilt, of course. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

amy said...

My inspiration comes from reading the many talented bloggers out there! I get so many great ideas and learn so much-makes me want to try new techniques and expand my skills.

juliehallfeldhaus said...

I love checking out blogs for inspiration:)

Kathy E. said...

What inspires me right now is reading blogs that involve lots of color in their quilt designs. I have quite a pile of scraps that are screaming to be stitched together and become life-long friends!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I'm inspired by reading and looking at books, magazines, and quilting blogs. This book sounds great.

Debbie said...

This book looks really inspirational. I have been looking at one of Kaffe's new books for inspiration.

Quilting Nonnie said...

I like what you said about Sujata's way of quilting without a rotary cutter. My aunt, born in the early 1900s, was an "old school" quilter. I have many of her finished quilts, some blocks for joining and some flimsies. All cut by hand with scissors. The quilts of hers that I have hand-quilted or put together from blocks are my favorite quilts. They are collaborations between the two of us. This is what inspires me.

Jeneta said...

I'm currently inspired by the fabrics in my stash, as well as everyday objects.

GranChris said...

Usually a look outside my window will get me motivated, trees, birds, flowers etc. If that doesn't work a trip to a museum will do wonders.

Michele said...

I'd love to be able to let go and stop thinking about pointy points and matching seams. The quilts I've seen from the book are inspiring.

Edith Bieri-Hanselmann said...

I'm inspired by color and forms for my quilting.

DeborahGun said...

I love the idea of more freedom in cutting, piecing and quilting :-) Inspired always by pictures of quilts on instagram and blogs!

SandraC said...

Lately I have been inspired by the whimsy of Australian patterns and fabric choices!

Marly said...

I am currently inspired by the juxtaposition of different materials, quilting and otherwise, and by colour. Colour is always number one.

bowerbird said...

Inspiration for my quilting comes from various fabrics (velvet, silk, shot cotton, brocade; you name it!), embellishing threads and global/cultural influence (Kantha, Boro, Cassandra Ellis, Gees Bend). I think of myself as a Bowerbird that collects pieces and parts and puts all together and present a piece of myself for others to enjoy. Sonia

Sarah said...

I am inspired by improv sewing. The Gee's Bend exhibit ruined me forever!

Michele Bilyeu said...

I am so proud to have known Sujata since she began blogging and to have shared her liberated vision through blogs, web rings and boards for so many years. What a delight to see how far she has come with this beautiful new book. And would I love to win it. OH, my! Yes, please!!!

Jodi said...

Saturated color is wonderful, and there's plenty of that in Sujata's book, it looks like!

Penny from S.C. said...

I would love to have a chance to win this book. Would be a nice Christmas present. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marla said...

I've enjoyed seeing all the advance photos for this book. So many possibilities!

Rumi said...

OMG! This is great book. Right now I as inspired by traditional embroidery and turning it to a quilt.

Brenda said...

I want this book. If the fates grace me, I'll win a copy. Otherwise, I'll have to save my pennies. All I can say is "inspiration!!!"

Lyn said...

I'm inspired by other's stories about their quilts, including both modern and very old reproduction quilts.