Thursday, May 5, 2011

In Between the Moments

Just like many of you I work from home, in between moments of family life, and sometimes family life gets so full there is no time, (or energy) for much anything else...

I know I promised that in my next post, (which being the math whiz that I am, would be this one) I would be sharing a quilt inspired by red barns. Well, that quilt and other creative pursuits got temporarily put on the back burner this week as home and family have been furiously tugging at my skirt hem, needing my full attention. By the looks of things, the rest of May and beginning of June is going to be a very busy month with the continuing needs, (as well as celebrations) of home and family life. No worries. All is good, just busy.

So, I'm taking a short blog break in order to better tend to what needs tending, and celebrate what deserves to be celebrated, (Eldest daughter graduating from college, youngest daughter getting her drivers license and turning 17, Hubby and I reaching our 25th wedding anniversary... much to be thankful for.)

I intend for stitching to be nurtured and honored along with everything else, and after the days get back to a more balanced flow, (and less "hamster on the wheel") I will be back to share.

P.S. Many Thank You's for the positive feedback on the quilt from my previous post. I so very much appreciate it. xo


Vicki W said...

It's good that you are following priorities! No need to drive yourself insane.

Lynn said...

Congratulations on all the milestones!

I meant to email you earlier that I posted my finished non pattern pattern mini quilt here

I love how it turned out! Thank you for the inspiration.

Colleen Kole said...

Good for you taking a blogging break to enjoy time with your family and important events! May is consistently turning out to be crazier than December here in our family. Maybe I should honor it rather than fight it. Enjoy.

Sujata Shah said...

Congratulations to your daughters!
And Happy 25th!
Enjoy the celebrations.. This is the time.. Good break is always fruitful in the end.. I know.. I just took one.
Can't wait to see your red barn quilts.

The quilt in the previous post is stunning!

connie said...

Sounds wonderful! I hope you can relax and enjoy it all. We will all be here when you return! ENJOY!!!

Gina said...

Enjoy doing the important things in your life with your family... I'm quite sure we'll all still be here when you come back!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy all the wonderful family celebrations!

Colleen MacDonald said...

I'm glad that you know how to prioritize; it inspires me to know that it's okay to do that for myself, too. Enjoy your family, and the most beautiful months of spring!

Mary said...

When my kids were still at home, I was tempted to write on each year's new calendar for October and May, "This month will be awful!" just to remind myself how busy those months always were. And yet I'd be surprised by it each year. Congratulations on all the family milestones!

Diane J. Evans said...

Thank you for giving me permission to take breaks such as this -- it's good to know that they're healthy and often necessary. Wishing you a month of celebrations and love.


Kathryn said...

Whew, lots of good things going on! Enjoy the break, we'll all be right here when you return! Happy 25th anniversary! We're working on our 23rd this year! whew, time flies!!

Corinnea said...

Enjoy your break! Congrats on 25 years!

Fer said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a great break.

XUE said...

Will miss you here but I know where to find you :) !
Fabulous news about the girls' progress in life although I am hoping my kids never drive so I'll hv one less thing to worry. You can relax & do some homemake "toys".

patty a. said...

Now that would be something to blog about - share your secrets in getting things back to a "balanced flow". Enjoy all the celebrations and we will be here when you get back!

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is a lot going on. Glad to hear that there is so much good in there.

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