This is a little art quilt I did. I thought it would be clever to take a remnant from an old kitchen dish towel that had once belonged to my mother, and machine doodle stitch the needed ingredients to make a chocolate chip cookie.
The problem is I am a horrible speller. I know this, and use, on a regular basis, my trusty Webster's Dictionary. It is the exact one that was given to me in the 4th grade and is now totally falling apart, but it has been with me for such a long time, I don't want to replace it.
However, there were no tricky words for this little project, so no need to worry about looking up the spelling of anything in a dictionary!

So have you noticed? I spelled "sugar" incorrectly! (And you know what, I always do!) Ugh!
By the way, I really do use an old fashioned SunBeam mixer! I actually have two, both from the 1930's, each belonging to one of my Grandmothers. Someday I will pass them on to my girls, so they can make there families chocolate chip cookies, too.
Oh, darn it!! after all that work too.
What if you stitch on a little label with the new correctly spelled word on it? Maybe you could actually do a couple of labels..perhaps in colours? so it does not stick out as being the only one that is different....
Oh this is beautiful!
Ok, I just think that is the cutest thing in the entire world, well maybe after my kids, and your talent truly astounds me!
Is there anyway to snip out the words "surgar" and fix it?
That little art quilt is so sweet! Sweet as surgar ;)
I think 'surgar' may actually be the correct spelling for 'sugar' in another country. If that helps at all...
PS- I do things like that all the time. I'm lost without my trusty old Concise Oxford dictionary.
oh this is really lovely! I think SURGAR enhances it. Leave it in and be proud!
Oh no!
Hey surgar!
Aww, the misspelling of sugar only makes it more valuable!
I have a Kitchen Aide mixer I love, but I also have one of those older Sunbeams that used to belong to my mother-in-law. I'm quite sure it's from the 60s. And it works like a charm.
Was it the Collegiate with blue cover??? I still have mine and no one can take it from me. These days I use the spell check functions all the time (for instance- I had to make sure I spelled "collegiate" right!)
I mis-spell plaid ALL the time. Pliad. Yeah. I have to write that out about 10 times a day at my job. Frustrating. I think it's quaint tho that it's forever imbedded in this piece... making it all the more "you"!
I love this, what a wonderful idea
: )
I think the misspelling is charming -- it shows it was made by a real human!
All the same, it's super cute!! :) What a creative idea!
Love it!!! You know you were the one that inspired me to start sewing? I absolutely love your quilts!
And I just wanted to let you know that I picked you for the Arte Y Pico Award! Check out my blog for details :)
I am completely in awe that you stitched those cute little pictures on a machine, and called it doodling, like it is no effort at all, like maybe you did it while talking on the phone...
I am always in awe when I visit your blog, wishing I had even an ounce of your creative juice!
Surgar is sweet, and that's what makes it you! I love it misspelling and all. I have the same spelling problem. Simple words that I can't spell.
spelling schmelling, if i could do that with my sewing machine-i'd spell stuff wrong on purpose-start your own language!
I love this, the spelling mistake is exactly something I would do - I think it makes it even more charming.
You are super talented.
Oh my - I love it with misspelled words and all!!
Oh I love this and I would have never noticed the spelling error...maybe because I am a horrible speller too.
Well I've missed such a lot of your posts and I don't know why so here's a list of reactions: 1)Congratulations on your 22nd.You must have been a child bride!
2)I love your recipe tea towel
3) Hope you are better from your bug, I rarely take medication unless I really need it.Do you ever have natural live yoghurt? Thats supposed to help restore your equilibrium.
Get well soon.
Vicki Dear,
So sorry to hear that you've had a bug! Looks like even thousands of miles away, we got the same bug at the same time....further proof of being separated at birth, you don't need!!
I adore this new work of yours..and to hell with the misspelling...I can spell, but can't do work like this! Anyway, it has your personal touch, and I think that's wonderful! I wouldn't change a thing about it...
xoxo Jan
Good Job! :)
This little piece brought tears to my eyes, maybe because my oldest daughter turned 21 today, maybe because I thought I was the only one who was ever sentimental about her mother's old dishtowels. Anyway, thanks so much for the inspiration.
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