A momma sheep with her two little lambs.
(I know that they look like they are quietly grazing here, but I have to tell you, these sweet sheep were extremely vocal! I have never heard such loud, beautiful "Baaahhh-ing in my life!"

Our crab apple tree, thick with pink blossoms against a clear blue sky.

My blue Rocket Dogs, with the cute hula girls all over them, covered in dust from a day at Green Dragon.
what lovely pics, your crab apple tree is so pretty. I love rocket dogs too, I have a smart black pair and a cute green pair with birds embroidered on. Your blue ones are great!
: )
A wonderful list! The blooms on your tree are spectacular!!
Great photos...love the Rocket Dogs!
What fun everyday pleasures!! I love the little lambs! How adorable! And I have always wanted a pair of Rocket Dogs!! Very cool!
I am having a bit of fun at the blog this weekend! Come have a peek!! :)
Oh my. Do you see what I see? Compare picture 2 Apple Blossoms to Abstract no.8 below. Huh? Do you see it now??? I think I found your inspiration!
Also, I love your sneaks. Those big round toes look so comfy!
Well, I'll be!
Yes I do see it, but I hadn't before.
Funny how inspiration creeps in, and reemerges in our images, taking us very much by surprise. Very delightful!
And yes, those round toes are super comfy, and make me feel like I am 5 years old again. I have been a Chucks devotee for some time, but I am loving these Rocket Dogs!
Love all pics! Those shoes are spectacular!
OMG get out of here with those sheep pictures! Sheep are the most beautiful creatures, I sware. and Lambs make my heart ache.
Hi Victoria. There is an award for you over at my blog. I wanted to let you know how glad I am that I met you and get to see your lovely work!
Oh I wish I had one of those beautiful looking crab apple trees in my garden. & I love your rocket Dogs! They look super comfy :)
that crap apple tree is sooo lovely. I love rocket dogs, too, but they don't make them in my size! curse these large feet!
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