Friday, February 20, 2009

Laughing with Mo

Sorry I haven't been posting this week, or visiting everyones blogs much, but I have been deliberately trying to slow down, and smell the proverbial flowers a bit. I think I need to do this more often. It feels good. It clears my head, and believe me when I say, my head needs clearing. It's all cluttered with too much thought. Mo had a bit of a rough week. Lots of congestion and some bad breathing problems. We spent a lot of time this week just being with each other. Appreciating each day. Way more then we ever thought we'd be blessed with. Lots of gratitude. We also made time each day for a good laugh. As you can see, Mo loves a good laugh.

I have some new work that I will be showing next week. Until then, have a happy weekend with the ones you love and the ones that make you laugh. xo


dutchcomfort said...

Such a happy picture to start the weekend with.

Slowing down is a good thing, spending time with Mo is even better! Happy days for the both of you!!

Chrisy said...

yes...thanks for your reminder...I need to slow down too...hope you have a good weekend..

hens teeth said...

Sweet, lovely Mo.
Take care x

picciolo said...

Great advice Victoria, I've been trying to slow down a bit too, or not ask so much of myself. Doesn't always work but it makes you feel better when it does. Love the picture of Mo
: )

High Desert Diva said...

Sweet reminder...
hugs to Mo

Hey Harriet said...

I like that groovy flower pic of Mo! Sorry that Mo has been having a not so good week. Spring must be just around the corner for you guys? I'm thinking the warmer weather and days filled with sunshine will help Mo. Keep laughing together until then. Mo looks very happy in the photo! Take care and I hope you both have a lovely weekend. Big squishy hugs to you & Mo :) xo

shellysquilts said...

V, Hope you and Mo enjoy your down time. Have a great weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing your "show and tell" next week. Happy Quilting!

Kel said...

Yeah for slowing down, good for you.

kelly said...

This photo made me laugh! Thanks for posting and thanks for the reminder to slow down... I definitely need that.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I hope you are all taking care and enjoying your time together and keeping your thoughts inwards. Just look at this sweet innocent girl- she loves her mommy as much as life itself.

jacquie said...

enjoy! and give mo a pat from me!

Jackie said...

I am glad you are having some quality time with Mo. Its important to make time for her now. I am doing the same with Willow. We walked for a long time yesterday and she had a really bad leg for quite a long time. I was worried I can tell you. But it seems to have got back to normal today.

LiPeony said...

That's such a cute picture of Mo. I'm glad you guys had such a fantastic time. =D

Anonymous said...

Yep - we all need to step back and step out and get away from it all now and then. Thanks.

Ann said...

I agree: quiet reflection and slowing down is one of the best things you can do for yourself - if combined with a craft, I imagine it can only be better! Enjoy the inward journey :)

Amy C said...

so glad you realized you needed some time out, and decided to take it!
I love the happy picture of sweet Mo.

Fleur de Boheme said...

I am so sorry to hear that - it is awful. People who do not have pets just don´t understand how attached you get to them. Especially dogs - they completely put their little hearts and souls into our hands and their love and commitment is immeasurable. I am so happy that Snuff is so fit for its age - we had him checked a month ago and the vet said if she wouldn´t know better she wouldn´t think he was older than around 8 years.

A big hug to you and Mo from us!!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping Mo is feeling better, it's always rough when our loved ones aren't feeling well. Hugs to you guys!

please sir said...

We could all learn something from you - to slow down and smell the flowers! Lovely - can't wait to see your new work.

Bascom Hogue said...
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Janis said...

I've been a bit behind in staying abreast too, so missed this post last week. I'm sorry you had a rough week but very happy to hear of her recent exuberance. Enjoy your beautiful days. Love & prayers.