
Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy 46th Birthday!

Today's my 46th birthday! I wanted to get some shots of Mo and I together to mark the occasion.

The pics didn't come out as I had planned... try as I might I could not get Molasses to look at the camera or stay very still, (she also kept wanting to close her eyes!)

But that's okay, I had fun trying, as it is so nice just to be with her and as always she made me laugh. What better gift is there then that? Birthdays generally make me happy, and on this one I am as happy as happy can be for my #1 birthday wish was to have my best buddy with me on this day. I am so very grateful to say that Mo's recovery from her stroke has been going really well. (The vet said that they can recover within days, but I am blown away!) I've said it before and I will say it again, she's my hero.

And as for being another year older... it is flipping weird to be turning 46, as I still feel like a kid. I can no longer pretend that 50 is some distant speck on the far off horizine... now it is big and bold and coming closer by the day. I say Yippee!! Life's a gift and I am so damn grateful for each and every birthday!!

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'”
-Robert Browning


  1. Happy Birthday! As for's only a number, not a state of mind. That's my philosophy as I creep closer to the BIG one.

    Looks like Mo is "woman's best friend". :o)

  2. Happy Birthday Victoria! So glad to see all those lovely pictures of you and Mo!!

    Ages don’t matter as long as your heart and mind stay youngish!!

  3. Happy birthday Victoria! It's clear that your spirit, beauty and youthful exuberence are running laps around ole Mr. Time. He'll never catch up.

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Happy Birthday! I certainly know what you mean about feeling like a kid. I also feel that way. It seems as we get older we simply know more about ourselves than ever before. So glad Mo is celebrating with you and great to hear her recuperation is going well!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIES! Mine was yesterday! Woo hoo! Hope Mo feels better and makes a good recovery.
    giv eher scratch on the ears for me!
    sweet poochie!

  6. Happy Birthday! So glad Mo is with you!!!

    And you look about 20 years younger than your actual age!

  7. happy birthday to you! i especially love the first picture.

  8. I have to say you do not look your age - I would have pinned you to be in your 30's! What's your secret?!

  9. V, Happy Birthday! You make 46 look FABULOUS! Glad to see Mo is doing so much better. Have a great day!

    p.s. Love the cleavage shot. (As my mother would say, "Flaunt it while you got it, cause it is going to go away.")

  10. Ha! I thought seriously about deleting that shot, as I am usually a bit reserved about that sort of thing, but then I thought along the same lines as your wise mother!

  11. (Plus, I loved the way that Mo's tongue was sticking out in that shot!)

  12. Happy Birthday!
    So pleased to hear that Mo is on the mend.

  13. Happy birthday. What better way to spend it than with Mo. I thought her pose looked familiar. Then I realized that it reminded me of me. I usually have my eyes closed and mouth open in my photos too.

  14. V, Were we separated at birth? Have a great day, friend.

  15. Happy Birthday! My 44th is coming up and it's a very strange feeling.

  16. Another Aries here, my 53rd was on the 26th, but I had to stop and think about it and do the math to figure out just how old I am supposed to be. I just don't feel it. So glad Mo is doing better, one of my oldest cats had a stroke last week. She had a few wobbly, quiet days and now she's back to her old talkative, jumping self. So happy happy birthday and go Mo go!

  17. Happy, Happy Birthday! I love that it looks like Mo is laughing in the first photo -- you two look like you're having a great time together!

  18. Happy Birthday! It is weird being in my 40s and knowing 50 isn't that far away. Time marches, etc.

    At least now I get Robert Browining!

    Have a great day and I'm glad your dog is recovering. That's very nice.

  19. Happy Birthday! Mo and you seem really nice and happy.

  20. *ahem*

    Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy Birthday tooo you, Happy Biiirthdaaaay Dear Victor-ia, Haaappy Biiirthday toooooooo you! *ahem*

    You are an inspiration to me. I loved the pictures of you and Mo.

  21. Look at you two beautiful girlies!

  22. Happy Birthday!! You two look great together - fun pictures :)

  23. happy happy birthday! I think the pictures came out great, I hope you have had a onderful day
    : )

  24. happy birthday! you look young and vibrant!!! :) cute pics w/ mo. :D

  25. Happy birthday - you look great and I´m so happy Mo is better! ENJOY your day!!!

    Love Kirsten

  26. Happy Happy Birthday! Those pix with Mo are too cute.

  27. Happy birthday Victoria! I adore these happy photos of you and Mo and I'm very glad that your birthday wish came true! 46 eh? You seriously look so much younger! Well beautiful birthday girl, you enjoy the day! Stretch out the celebrations and enjoy a whole week of birthday fun! You deserve it! Love Tracy xo

  28. Happy Birthday Victoria! You are a very young 46! You and Mo are absolutely adorable together, and so glad she's doing better.


  29. Happy Birthday! just discovered your blog on an etsy forum thread and I love it and your spirit and sense of humor, I'm your latest follower (I'm 46 too - and you my dear look mahhhvelous!)) come on over and visit me sometime:

  30. what 46? You look like a teenager. Happy b-day to you!

  31. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful birthday gift, to have Mo doing so well. And I must say you do NOT look your age. That's just not fair, lol.

  32. Happy birthday Victoria! Mo recovery must've been the perfect present, and I LOVE the photos of you two.

    My doggy is the same, she seems to know when I want to take her photo and always looks away!

  33. Happy birthday and so glad to hear about Mo's recovery. I said it before but I don't know what I'll do when my dogs finally pass. Thinking of you and hope you have a happy day!

  34. Happy Birthday to YOOOOU, must say you look extremely young for your age.
    THose are the most adorable photos.
    Yeah for Aries!
    I am happy to hear your sweet pal is doing so well.

  35. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  36. Happy birthday!! I love that last picture of you and Mo. I'm so glad she has bounced back. I know just what you mean about age... I am 56. and can hardly believe it! I laugh when I say the number. I feel about 20 years younger than I really am. I think it's a big joke... somehow they make time play tricks on us. They are trying to tell me my daughter is 28. hahahaha!! I know that is impossible.

  37. Happy Birthday! You've got great dimples! Thank you for your kind comment over at Hey Harriet's. Have a good rest-of-the-week!

  38. They say people tend to look like their pets (or is pets tend to look like their people??) and I have to say you and Mo have similar eyes. They look kind.

    Unfortunately, its also true in my case that my dog and I look alike. I have a boxer and the older I get, the more my jowls look like hers..... :)


  39. Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!

  40. sorry to be a bit late...hope it was a happy one...that smile shows me that it was!
    ps...i'm making eggs right now...they're soooo cute!

  41. Happy Birthday belatedly. You're just a young 'un really. I am more than 10 years older so I'm staring 60 in the face..but I feel exactly the same as I did when I was under 50.
    Mo looks great in the pics. The closed eyes make her look superior!

  42. Happy belated birthday! I must say you look much more like 36 than 46!
    So happy for you that Mo has made such a good recovery.

  43. Happy, Happy! I'll be 41 on Sunday!

  44. Holy crap! You are 46? I hope I look that good at 46...I'll be 43 this year so I'm not too far behind. Honestly, you look way closer to 26.

    Your dog is so beautiful! Sorry to hear that she had a stroke and had to go through all of that but she looks like she is doing well.


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