
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sam the Dog

First off, thanks so much all of you who left happy birthday wishes for me in my last post. Each one was a gift in itself and they all put a smile on my face!

Since Mo had her stroke, (she's still doing good, but the med she was on caused her blood to thin which caused her sinus tumor to start to bleed a bit...) I have moved my sewing from my normal work space into the living room, so as to be close to her while she continues to recuperate. This small move totally shifted my creative energy. While I still have some unfinished Mod Squares to complete, my head rebelled against them, and insisted I do something just for fun. And that is how Sam the Dog came to be.


Well read.
Good sense of humor.
Enjoys organic gardening and an occasional good smoke.

Sam began his life when I free-hand cut into a piece of cloth which I had earlier quilted and washed, (to bring outs it's cuddly texture). His features were cut from more of my quilted cloth and securely hand sewn down and embellished with embroidery floss. Because he's hip he insisted on two turquoise colored earrings. To be kind, I obliged.

10.5" tall from toe to tip of ear. He can't wear his heart on his sleeve because he has no arms... so he wears his heart on his hip.

Sam is soft, lovable and sewn with great care. Suitable for young and old.

He hates baths, so if you adopt him, please be kind and promise to only spot clean him.

I am working on Sam's friend, "Bebe the Bunny" and will introduce you to her soon. xo

NOTE: Sam has now been adopted to a good home!


  1. I love Sam! Super cute. Still thinking of you and Mo and I can't wait to see Sam's companions.

  2. I LOVE your Sam! He's the coolest little doggie! His funny mouth is making me giggle. The whole post made me giggle! Id be keen to adopt him but I realise that Sam is unable to take international flights. Oh well. I understand the reasons why though. I'm sure he'll find a good home! Hurry and finish Bebe the Bunny. I need more giggles! You are so clever!

    Hey check your 'adopt him' link because it's not going to where it is meant to be going. Just blame Sam. I blame my pooch for everything ;D

  3. You are so sweet to move your sewing room to be closer to Mo. I am sure it is much appreciated. Sometimes I do things like rebelling against a current project. I think all it means is that you need a little break. Your break was very productive and I love what you made.

  4. I'm smitten with Sam! Can't wait to see the bunny.

    And a happy belated birthday to you Victoria, sorry I haven't checked in sooner to get you on the actual day.

  5. Sam is the cutest! Love the bright colors.

  6. v, Sam is very cute. He has a look about him that makes you want to smile. I'm just wondering what it is he occasionally smokes? Luv the whimsy! You are awesome!

  7. he is cute and I am looking forward to seeing the bunny.
    Love all the details you put into him and your beautiful stitched signature.

  8. Sam is wonderful. What fun. I am glad to hear you had a great birthday. Happy belated Birthday! I have been out of touch with everyone and just got a chance to look at my favorite blogs while I have breakfast in the hotel lobby. Exciting huh. Have a great weekend.

  9. Oh SAM, you are too cool for words!

    I find that creating in different rooms of the house gives me new inspiration, too! I especially love to move outside when the weather is nice.

    Big smooches and hugs to MO.

  10. Aww hey there Sam - you are adorable!

  11. Sam is super cute! I'm glad to hear Mo is still doing good.

  12. I happily added your blog to my blog roll tonight. Love this colorful guy!

  13. Sam is adorable. I am happy you speak Sam's language so he could tell you about the earrings.

  14. Eek! Sam is so cool!!! Can't wait to see the bunny.

  15. Love Sam! Good to hear Mo is coming along. Kitties and I are still sending strength and healing out your way.

  16. Oh how fun
    Sam is great fun
    well done

  17. I am so in love with sam!!
    I agree, it would have been amazing if your mum had kept those dresses, shame.

  18. Sam looks like my kinda dog. Plus, he doesn't need to be walked! Congrats to Sam finding a new place to call home.

  19. how cute! I love all the little details like the earrings
    : )

  20. sam would surely cheer me up....we'd have to work on the smoking thing though.

  21. TOO CUTE! I love that the fabric has been quilted.

    I'm having one of those *lightbulb* moments...I love making things like these, or little ornaments from quilted fabric, but always thought it had to be an old a cutter quilt. DUH! Never thought of quilting up the fabric myself!

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