
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Molasses Update

Huge great big heartfelt THANK YOU'S to all who have kept Mo in there hearts and for the loving wishes left on my last post. She has gone from not being able to sit, stand or walk, to now as of this morning, being able to slowly and a bit wobbly, walk outside and around the yard a bit. Ears flapping in the breeze and tail wagging at our encouraging words. This is very bitter sweet. It is and has always been about her happiness and her quality of life She has been through so much during these past months, yet her enthusiasm for life stays so strong. Knocks me to my knees. I am watching her closely for signs as what to do, and as of now, she still seems to want to fight this new fight, (along with her cancer fight) and we will continue to stay right by her side helping her for as long as she wants. Mo and I have been camping out again in the living room, and yesterday I set up a small sewing station there in the hopes of getting some small projects done while she sleeps. xo Victoria


  1. I love to picture sweet Mo's ears flapping in the breeze. :)

    Thanks for the update. Still sending the warmest of thoughts your way...

  2. Your Mo is so amazingly strong! I'm betting she's loving the living room camp-outs! I can imagine her little ears flapping about in the breeze outside. Cute! Actually her ears are not that little, so it must be a bit more than a breeze that's blowing ;D I'm very happy that Mo is doing a bit better. It is a very difficult situation, knowing the right thing to do, but all you can do is what you feel Mo wants. And from all indications you're doing exactly as she wishes. I'm sorry. I have things to say but the words are not coming out right. Just know that I'm still hoping like crazy that Mo continues to get better. Big hugs to you both. xo

    Oh and my Sophie is wanting to send a little care package to Mo. Geeez, she must think that your Mo is rather special because she's never offered to do that before :)

  3. What great news. I am sure she is loving her time with you and you with her. Hugs to MO!!!

  4. Thoughts with you both. We faced a similar thing for months with our old dog, and I know just how hard it is to know what to do. Hoping you can enjoy some quality time with Mo.

  5. Awww....sweet Mo. She must love you so much.

  6. Oh, the love! What a sweet relationship you and Mo have. I just heard a radio talk show about animals.. so interesting. They mentioned a book that is just out, written by a vet, called Speaking for Spot. It might be an interesting one to read as you ponder what is the right thing to do and when.

  7. V, You are amazing and your eloquence brings tears to my eyes.
    And like many times in life, when the time is right, you will know it. Enjoy your time together. I'll be thinking of y'all.

  8. I think that sewing or doing anything that makes you happy will be very good for Mo...If you can be at peace and happy....she will be able to do like-wise...Dogs are just like that....they are. I send my thoughts of love to you and your beloved pal.


  9. you always post the most delightful pictures of Mo.
    She really does look like the sweetest dog. I am happy to hear she is doing better, sending lots of love to you both.
    A x

  10. I don't think molasses could have a better 'mum' looking after her, fingers crossed for you
    : )

  11. *sniff* I'm still sending good vibes your way and hoping for the best.

  12. sounds so much like fudge...i have to cheer her on each time we head takes a lot of effort to climb those stairs. i know your presence is a comfort and provides strength to mo. more good thoughts for good days.

  13. I hope youf faithful friend pulls through.
    We have a dog so I can imagine how your feeling.
    M xx

  14. My heart stopped for a second when I saw you had written a post... I’m so happy to hear Mo is still with you. You both don’t stop to amaze me.

    Lots of love, hugs and cuddles and positive thoughts are coming your way! Take care!

  15. I´m happy to hear that Mo is better. You are doing the right thing, follow her closely and you will know when it is time to say goodbye... But not yet I hope.

    Everyone who has pets knows that they are dear and much loved members of the family and that it is so hard to let go.

    I wish dogs and cats would get older as they do!

    Happy and positive vibes from here for you both.

  16. Poor little pupster. . .what a trooper. More love today for both you and she!

  17. Dear Mo, she really is an inspiraion.

  18. Awwww. Sounds you are still enjoying lots of special moments together these days. What a good caregiver you are. I'll be thinking of her.

  19. I have read all the comments and what a beautiful outpouring of love and affection for you and Mo. I am happy to hear that things are improved as of your posting and hope and pray she can sustain the same.

    I know Mo tells you every day -- but you are SO special, God bless you both. I continue to keep you in my prayers. xoxo

  20. Molasse, take care of you, fais attention a toi
    another dog in Florida,


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