
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Meditative Deconstruction


Main Entry: un·sew
Pronunciation: \ˌən-ˈsō\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): un·sewed; un·sewn\-ˈsōn\ or un·sewed; un·sew·ing
Date: 14th century
: to undo the sewing of

Spending time these days unsewing old jeans.
(The plan is to re-sew the material into some improvised quilts.)

The ripping of their stitches and the opening up of their folded hems and seams is very relaxing. I adore the variations in color and subtle textures revealed in this process.


  1. No doubt you will come up with some wonderful quilts!

  2. I've been deconstructing army uniforms, but I don;t think i'd have the patience to unsew belt loops! ;-) I look forward to seeing what wonderful creations you make with your pieces parts.

  3. I love the variations in colour too, and those piece look really soft now, all ready to be made into something wonderful
    : )

  4. My sis has got a pair of jeans that just ripped and they'd be a great candidate for unsewing hehe

  5. Interesting as always. I can't wait to see where this goes. You rock!

  6. How neat - I can't wait to see what you make! I deconstruct jeans for purses.

  7. Your blog title is so's odd how relaxing that can be! I've torn up quite a few pieces of clothing in school for projects.

  8. I can remember doing lots of frogging years ago when I would purchase items from local thrift shops for fabric. Some of the fabric was used to make items to sale in a consignment shop and the rest of it was used for things I would make for myself. Have fun!

  9. Can't wait to see how you work the denim into your amazing quilts! Gosh I have a stack of old jeans I no longer wear that I could give you. If only I lived closer... Hope you are having a good week Vic! xo

  10. It will make a very interesting quilt. I look forward to seeing the end result.

  11. I miss my school day sewing and designing clothes.Sometimes it's really therapeutic. Can't wait to see your finished product.

  12. Hello, I just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I've enjoyed reading your post today.

    I love reading your blog - thank you very much for sharing your pictures and thoughts !

  13. This does look like a very peaceful process. I enjoy when I can find that moment in a task.

  14. what a wonderful process...unsewing. i'm excited to see what you come up with. jeans have such character!

  15. Well, we could get into a big discussion about postmodern and deconstruction. But I prefer say, you go, Victoria. I am looking forward to the results.


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