
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Shades of Gray

Mod Square Quilted Pillow Cover In Shades of Gray...

Psychological Effect: Although often thought of as a negative color, Gray is actually the color of independence and self-reliance.

"The color of truth is gray."
- Andre Gide

“Do be do be do.”
"I did it my way."
- Frank Sinatra

Have a great day!


  1. Love this one too! I really enjoy reading the effect of the colors.

  2. Grey is my favorite color so I'm loving this!

  3. I don't think I'll ever look at gray the same way again. Thanks!

  4. OK - AMAZING! This is one of my favs!!!!!

  5. these are all so amazing! i love the quilting on the orange one. you're such a great teacher, you know.

  6. GACK I love your work.

    Word verification: phatrat.

    Seriously? Now they are just making fun of us.

  7. Also, I love your profile picture. You look like a lot of fun. :)

  8. you make your quilts so quickly! This grey cover has an understated elegance about it, just lovely
    : )

  9. Love this! I think gray maybe too understated most of the time - really great!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Lovely! That Frank Sinatra quote is perfect too. :D

  12. I'm really enjoying these fun lessons in colour! I have to admit to never being that fond of gray, but I do like your pillow cover. You manage to make gray look pretty to me! Is that your record collection I see there? I'm wondering what's lurking behind Frank...we always display our coolest ones at the front. I do anyway. The further you flip through my collection, the more embarrassing it gets! Yours is probably cool all the way through :)

  13. Beautiful -- it has such a clean and refreshing look. You have such an eye for design - everything you do looks perfect!

    Hugs to Mo!

  14. Thanks Everyone!

    Tracy, that's just a little stand that sits on top of my portable record player, and holds a few of my albums, I have other piles elsewhere. The albums behind Frank, (I adore that cover!) are...

    The Best of the Ames
    Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer
    Charlie Bird Jazz Recital
    Johnny Desmond's Guilty of Love!
    Guide to Jazz with Louie Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Fats Walker, Fletcher Henderson, and Jelly Roll Morton.

    Good stuff!

  15. Hey V, Luv it. I think your gray next to the red makes your pillow a very cool feel. You have a very nice stipple. Looks great! Enjoy your weekend.

  16. Love the mod...simple....also love the goals for the for me in addition to those is articulation....being a better speaker and writer. Thanks for the inspiration.

  17. wow Victoria! and you call me don't do so bad yourself!!

  18. Put this on my current love (on the right hand side of my blog) today!

  19. gray and purple and darker purple, I'm in love! These colors speak to me:)

  20. Oh I just LOVE all your stuff! I saw your yellow crop circles quilt on flickr and about died. Beautiful stuff!


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