
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Orange Effect

"Orange is very blatant and vulgar. It makes you immediately start having feelings." -Wolf Kahn

Newest Mod Square Quilt:

Psychological Effect: Orange has been shown to have only positive affects on your emotional state. The color orange relieves negative feelings such as self-pity, lack of self-worth and unwillingness to forgive. Orange uplifts your emotions and is a terrific antidepressant.

Physiological Effect: Orange has been shown to have a positive effect on one's libido and can be beneficial to the digestive system as well as strengthen the immune system.

I love the color Orange!


  1. Some really terrific reasons to love orange! Plus itis a wonderful quilt.

  2. Then we should all have some orange in our house...especially that delicious shade of orange. Very vibrant.

  3. Oh, what would Wolfie think of me since it's one of my favorite colors! I always asscociate my oldest son with orange- it's just suits his (generally) happy demeanor . I love it on boys. These 3 tones are really energizing.

  4. Thanks for doing orange justice. It is my favourite color.

  5. I'm another orange fan! This new quilt is super and it makes me smile just looking at at! Orange is a very happy colour. Also, the colour orange is the theme of Harmony Day and the wearing of orange clothing is encouraged on the 21st of March every year over here :)

    Hey I love the description in your shop for these mod square quilts:

    "It's Mod.
    It's Square.
    It's a Mod Square!"

    ...hehe...sounds like the beginning of a cool super hero theme song. The Mod Square Super Hero Series! Love it! I now have this little tune stuck in my head!

  6. i love the quilt and the quilting. and i love orange.

  7. Oh Orange, how I love thee!

    I have read that orange symbolizes change, which many people resist. Maybe that's why many people dislike orange? I, for one, adore the color: it is DELICIOUS! Especially in your hands, my dear!

  8. Thanks for the color insight - and the wonderful piece! Oh and that fiesta pitcher!

  9. I used to hate orange (I think b/c of the hate for our rival college team that was bred into me) but now I love it. My living room is mango and I've been noticing everything I buy for the house has a hint of orange. I've had a total change of heart. And of course, I love your new orange creation.

  10. I have some thick orange ski socks I have been wearing all winter and I love them. And I haven't really been sick at all now I come to think about it!

  11. Beautiful tangerine colors! :) Your work is so gorgeous!

  12. On blue backgrounds it sizzles.Great!

  13. I love the orange and on the blue wall it is incredible. I really like the quilting lines too.

  14. Orange has always been my favorite color. Now I know why! I love the orange quilt. The colors are striking!

  15. I just love your orange quilt. I love simple quilts and this one in orange is wonderful.

  16. Wow! It's so bold! And looks fantastic against the blue!


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