
Monday, September 15, 2008

New Work

I set out last week to make some new functional art quilts. My plan was to continue with the Mid-Century inspired work that I recently embarked on, (see here, here and here). However when I shut my eyes to see what this new quilt would look like, (now you know my highly sophisticated process of design) I didn't see stripes, and lines, but instead saw circles and flowers.

I opened my eyes and politely explained to my brain that it had made a mistake, and to please try again. Closing my eyes I saw the same image as before. After several more attempts to redirect my brain, I finally gave in, (which is always the smart thing for me to do, for whenever I try to make something that I am not seeing, even if it something that I made before, it never turns out right. When an idea wants to be born, it wants to be born. My job is to get out of my own way and let it happen!)

As in the previous quilts, this to is meant to be both functional and beautiful. Use it as a table runner, hang it on the wall, or drape it over a hanger or chair. I have another one of these contemporary circular designs lined up to be quilted this week, and I hope that they will be as well received as the Mid-Century designs, (I am delighted to say that two of the three have already sold!)

For more information, you can check out this quilt in my shop, here.

One more bit of lovely news, I was again awarded the Brillante Blog award. This time from the very sweet and talented Gunnel. Thank you so much Gunnel, I truly appreciate it! And I once again am going to pass on the official passing on of this award to 7 worthy bloggers, (due to well documented phobias in this general area) and instead pass it on to all of you because you are all so delightful, and because it is my blog and I can do what ever I want!


  1. Yes, of course, we do as we want on our own blogs :-) I very often do so as my self, I haven´t time to choose and links to 7 other bloggers when I have got an award, but sometimes I do it.

    I really like your new quilt! What a lovely design and colours. And congrats for your sale !!!

  2. Nice departure with the floral fabric. Your sense of balance always rings out in your work.

  3. I love the juxtaposition of modern and traditional in this one. As Michelle said, this is a nice departure with lots of balance.

  4. Beautiful! Glad you didn't ignore what your brain was telling you. Brains are rather clever things :)

    Congrats on the new quilt sales and on the award! Damn straight! It's your blog & you can do whatever you want with your awards! You've received enough that you could make a cute patchwork quilt out of them :D

  5. Beautiful quilt Vicki!

    I love the flowers! What amazing detailed stitching as usual. =) I saw that you sold a few of these in your etsy shop! Horray! I wonder where they are right now...

    How do you get such beautiful photos? It looks like you use a gigantic lightbox, if you're doing all of that in photoshop I'm impressed as well!

    It's hard to get good photography of bigger pieces and you're getting beautiful shots!

    Love you!

  6. I love the circles with the flowers and how it just perfectly sits with the green!


  7. i wish i could close my eyes and see this and then create it. your work astounds me. so gorgeous.

  8. That runner is absolutely brilliant!!!!! You have an amazing sense of design, love the colors, textures and pattern! How did you get that stitch pattern??

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Well, you're brain's got a good eye. This is beautiful!!!
    Love the colors and your lines are so crisp and clean...I'm envious! :)

  11. Thanks Everyone!

    Rachel, yup, I am cropping out the backgrounds in photo shop, (which is actually much easier then trying to find a perfect location to photograph these!)

    Tricia, the stitch pattern is a result of doing free - motion stitching in a stippling pattern, and then washing the quilt, which shrinks the batting slightly and enhances the texture.

    Bascom, if you ever do wind up running a design school, let me know, sounds like it would be a fabulous and fun environment to be a part of!

  12. this is really beautiful, and I'm so glad it introduced me to your blog

  13. that is so beautiful! thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. What a beautiful job you did..Really something else..

  15. So amazing - the placement is great and I love your new use of floral fabrics - great job!

  16. Congratulations on your sales Victoria!

    This is beautiful! And how right you are, "when an idea wants to be born, it wants to be born. My job is to get out of my own way and let it happen!"...that's true talent, which you have an abundance of!

    Congratulations on your award too, I think you should get one every day! :)

  17. Soooo pretty! I love that green! And congrats on you weblog award! ;) That's a great feeling! :)

  18. Wow, so pretty. Your photos are fantastic, too. :)

  19. wow you never cease to amaze me your work is so proffesional and so neat and beautiful - the circles are fab.

  20. You made that quilt!? It is amazing!! Great job!!

  21. Love this new table runner. You travel in yet another modern, fashionable, yet sweet and nostalgic direction. Wonderful!

  22. There is nothing wrong with quilts, but I have an obsession with them myself. It looks great and gives me a few new ideas...

  23. That quilt is beautiful, I'm so glad you followed your inspiration!


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