
Friday, August 8, 2008

Everyday Pleasures #13

“Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.”
~Douglas Pagels

Feeling tired and stressed from all the work, and little mundane everyday stuff, I was wondering what I could possibly post for today's "Everyday Pleasures" post. I was just about to give up, when looking out of my kitchen backdoor I saw this...

As I walked across my back yard, I saw that there were two...

And even more remarkable, shortly afterwards my husband called me from his work, to tell me that he had stepped outside for a quick break, looked up into the sky and saw a double rainbow... he works 30 minutes from here... I love thinking that we both looked up at the same time and saw the same rainbow... Life is good.

And congrats to all those who who worked those brain muscles to solve the puzzle in the last post! (For those of you who didn't get it, the answer was HUG!) Beware... I plan on posting more of these!


  1. These images are lovely - so calm and beautiful!

  2. Now that sure is special to see. So sweet that you & hubby were both looking at the rainbows at the same time. Even sweeter that he phoned you about it! He sounds like a gem!

    And a big HUG to you!

    ...I may figure out the next puzzle. But I doubt it ;)

  3. Rainbows are so pretty, really brighten the day!

  4. Very beautiful! The nature are great!

  5. Lovely. And just think, all the bloggers all over the world are looking at the same sun and moon.
    I would love to buy a vintage pattern from you if you have anything at all similar in the right size.

  6. omigosh that is sooo pretty! thanks for sharing. :)

    i wish i could of seen it! :D

  7. Oh I just starting clapping my hands! Love that you were able to share this with us, Victoria! I love rainbows and the whole concept of finding your pot of "gold" at the end. And it looks like you did when your husband called. Beautiful, absolutely wonderful post!

  8. Thanks Harriet! He is a sweetie.

    Jackie, I will email you later with patterns I think you may like.

    Sandra, you are so sweet! I had a feeling you would appreciate this post, thanks!

  9. G'day from Australia - I came here from Sandra Ree's blog.

    I posted shots of a double rainbow recently - and the explanation that I was on a flight once and saw a full-circle rainbow.

  10. WOW! WOW! Those are gorgeous and amazing. Truly a once in a lifetime shot. So glad you caught it to share with us.

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog David! I just checked out your rainbow post. I had no idea rainbows were actually doughnut shaped, and I am just thrilled to have learned this! Thank you for sharing!

  12. what a fantastic story and such beautiful pictures--extra lucky to see two!

  13. Everytime my daughter sees a rainbow, she screams "Rainbow Brite", and starts singing the theme song...

    great pictures.

  14. Stunning photos, I love rainbows :)

  15. Thank you!

    That is gorgeous - and your story is so romantic. Rainbows are beautiful.

  16. Oh my goodness, you live in a utopia!

  17. Aw! That is so cool! Nature rocks!

    I also love that you and your man were simultaneously looking towards the heavens. Your sights are set much the same.

  18. Oh how lovely - such a nice little treat after a hard week. I'm there with ya - still trying to catch up!

  19. How magical!
    And what a fantastic view you have from your backyard.

  20. Hmmm looks to me as though the pot of gold might just have been behind that barn!!!! : )

  21. We were thinking the same thing, and were very tempted to head out and have a peek!


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