
Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy 22nd Anniversary!

Today I am forgoing my usual Friday installment of "Everyday Pleasures", so that I may instead wish my sweet Husband, of 22 years, a very Happy Anniversary! (It's officially tomorrow folks, but I wanted to post it today, as I fully intend to be feeling 100% better, so that we can go off and spend the day celebrating somewhere nice!) Here's to another Happy 22!

Our wedding day, June 7th, 1986...

We had a harpist and a flutist play at our reception...

22 years and 2 wonderful children later... Best friends...


  1. This is what I strive for and the harp...that would just be an added bonus! Happy Anniversary!

  2. My word, you haven't aged a day, it seems! Well, wow! 22 years?! Fantastic. I wish you a very special day with your man. You both look so sweet together... then and now. I aspire to this as well!

  3. Happy 22nd Anniversary and I wish you many many more.

  4. Happy 22nd Anniversary to you two!! :) You look just as young as ever!!

  5. Aw, happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. BooDilly!

    Twenty two years and you still look the same. What's your secret girl?

    Have a wonderful anniversary!

  6. many, MANY happy returns of the day!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you and your best friend!

  8. Congratulations! Our 20th is in 2 weeks and my parents just celebrated 50 years together. Keep on keepin' on.

  9. Happy Anniversary.
    Those pictures are lovely.
    Hope you are feeling super well.

  10. So sweet! Happy Anniversary!

  11. Congratulations on 22 happy years! Your post made me tear up and smile at the very same time.

    Also, you look fantastic -- I never would have known that 22 years had passed between that first and last photo!

  12. Congratulations to you both & so glad you're feeling better after that scary situation with your prescription!

    Hope you have a wonderful celebration!

  13. Happy anniversary to you both! This is a perfect 'everyday pleasures' theme anyways. Many more everyday pleasures to you & your hubby! & what a sweet couple you make. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos. Happy celebrations :)

  14. congraulations! I hope that you are fully better and enjoying your day
    : )

  15. Happy Anniversary... gosh you don't look old enough to be married 22 years. So... what's your secret to not aging?? Cusz I want it!!

  16. aww congratulations! thats wonderful :)

  17. Simply fabulous! Have a happy day with your hubby!

  18. Oh my goodness, Vicki. I'm so happy for you, you've made such a happy family and life with your husband. It was so touching to see him drive you around the other day while you were sick, and you always talk so highly of him. You're such an inspiration to me both as an artist and a wife/mother. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary and congratulations! XOXO


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