
Monday, June 9, 2008

American Visionary Art Museum

We had a great time on Saturday, celebrating our anniversary! We decided to spend the day in and around Baltimore's Inner Harbor area. One of the highlights was visiting the American Visionary Art Museum.

No picture taking is allowed inside the Museum, but there were plenty of fun things to photograph all around the surrounding outside of the museum, such as...

A giant bird and nest...

a giant whirligig...

a secret hideaway...

A blue giraffe...

Cute little birdies along the rim of a planter...

a beautiful decorated tree trunk...


  1. Oh what fun! And happy anniversary again! :) I hope you had a grand time! And that nest! I want to take a nap in it like a little bird! :)

  2. Looks like an amazingly cool place. Love the giant bird nest and the secret hideaway!

  3. What a fabulous place! Congratulation on 22 years. That's a great milestone.

  4. Congrats! And the museum looks wonderful! I will definitely need to check it out.

    P.S. you are in the Etsy Finds daily email today, in case you don't get it and didn't know.....

  5. Oooh that looks like a fun fun place!

    Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  6. Looks like another good long weekend plan for us! Thanks for the spotlight. (did you see you were in the Etsy Finds today?)

  7. that museum looks great! I'm glad you had a good day
    : )

  8. Oh how I love them all, but that giant bird and nest takes the cake!

  9. Fantastic art. I am so in love with public, free art like this, it warms the soul!

  10. What a lovely way to spend celebrating your special day. I see what you mean about the Museum having plenty of fun things to take pics of outside! Such a cool display. I want that secret hideaway for my backyard!

  11. wow, what a heavily embellished tree trunk!

    Vicki, I hope you are feeling better! Thanks for helping me even though I know you're feeling sickly.

  12. Ooh I went there a few years ago when living in Virginia ... it is the most inspiring place! It is so worth the trip for anyone in the mid-Atlantic region.


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