
Friday, May 30, 2008

Everyday Pleasures #6

First off, I would like to shout out a great big
"Happy Birthday!!!"
to my youngest, who is turning 14 today!
You are one of my most cherished everyday pleasures my dear, and I wish you the sun and the moon and all the magic in between!

And now for this weeks "Everyday Pleasures", where once again, I find myself in my own backyard, for it is an endless source of wonder to me. Have a great weekend everyone!

Bearded Iris

Bumble Bee on Lupine

Siberian Iris

Wild Primrose


  1. Stunning once again! Happy Birthday to your youngest!

  2. Happy birthday to BabySillyBooDilly! Ok, 14 is hardly a baby but the name sounded cute :)

    Love these flowers. I'd have to visit the Botanical Gardens to find ones pretty like those. Hmmm...maybe I'll do that & take photos & post them on my blog & pretend they are from my garden. Ooops. Did I just say that out loud? Doh!

  3. happy birthday to your son!!
    wonderful pictures...Im so glad I was able to find your blog nasty computer died and every thing was eaten...including all my links :0

    yay for finding you again!!

  4. Thank you!

    (And just for the record I don't have a son! It's my daughter's birthday!)

  5. Happy birthday to your big girl! I love the flowers in your garden- the early spring flowers are always sure to please.

  6. Happy birthday to the apple of your eye! 14....I wish, sigh!!

  7. Happy birthday to your youngest!
    The colours in your flower pics are amazing, my favourite purple!
    : )

  8. awww, look at that cute little mister bumble bee!

  9. Happy Birthday to your 14 year old! What a fun age to be! ;)

    And lovely photos! I think that bumblebee is enjoying himself!

  10. Great floral pics, especially the close up of the bee. Nothing beats strolling through a garden and relaxing. It's so much fun to surf through blogs and look for inspiration - thanks for sharing!

  11. Happy Birthday to your youngest! Hope you and your loved ones have a lovely weekend!!

  12. gorgeous pictures!!
    have a great weekend!

  13. Gorgeous! I've been taking lots of floral shots lately too. It's been an amazing Spring for flowers here.

  14. Gorgeous flower shots! Curly Girl Chronicles (see my Etsy blog roll) has flower "porn" for her Friday post, too. Think Georgia O'Keefe.

    *waves to your profile picture*

  15. Ha! Thanks for the link!
    I went, I looked, I blushed!
    (And I have a strange urge to now make little clothes for all my more modest flowers!)


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