
Friday, November 7, 2014

Up Down Quilt

I asked Eleanor if she would kindly pose with my new quilt, and while she agreed, 
it was with some reluctance... 

she doesn't trust that little vintage kitty chalk head staring down at her!

I made this improv wall hanging using those lovely Cirrus Solids from Cloud9 Fabrics, 
(shown at the bottom of my last post). Very happy with how this turned out. 
Love the colors and I gotta say... 
this fabric is soooo soft!

I choose to finish it with a "faced" finish instead of a traditional binding. 
If you have never tried this technique, (or have had trouble following facing instructions) I have a very easy tutorial on my Tutorials page, (listed above) or you can go directly to it, here.


PS. Well aware at how infrequently my posts have been lately... I love this blog, but posting is a very time consuming activity, and I really only want to post when I feel like I have something interesting to share or something important  to say. However, remember, I can always be found over on Instagram, where I usually post something everyday. It's the "behind the scenes" stuff... works in progress, design ideas or a local photo of something that inspires me or makes me happy!

Hope to see you over there as well as here!

Have a super weekend everyone!


  1. Bright, cheerful, so well designed like all you do!

  2. what a gorgeous quilt. I love everything about it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I have to be satisfied with your blog posting as I have a dumb phone!

    Yeah...I know I could look online but I am on the computer too much as it is!

    Love the pooch photos!;)

  4. Your quilt is beautiful... One day I will have to try a similar pattern with as much stitching! My dog Buddy is about just as cooperative... He just does not like the camera!! A camera shoot with him is time consuming!

  5. Another one of your ever original and beautiful designs. I'm glad you're still posting here, however infrequently. I haven't entered the instagram or pinterest worlds, and only scratched Facebook. I'm afraid I'd spend all my time on the computer!

  6. What a beautiful quilt, I love the colours!

  7. What an inspirational and beautiful quilt that is! Love it, and it makes me wonder why I have so little solids in my stash... I'm drawn to pattern, but "making patterns" with solid fabrics like you've done here is also so rewarding!

  8. I love it! And love that you're trying new binding techniques and have yet another awesome tutorial! I hear you about the blogging ... it feels like it's all happening at Instagram! I'll be sure to find you over there. Happy making! And LOVE Eleanor!

  9. Victoria,
    I enjoy your posts. I understand the time factor involved here.This quilt is beautiful and your photography is outstanding. Please continue posting as much as you can. By the way, I have never tried the facing on a quilt. I may look your tutorial up and try to do that on one of my quilts soon.

  10. This is really nice! Love the little model that agreed to pose :)

  11. like your quilt very much, colours, design and your little dog of course too! Read your tutorial for the binding. This was new to me. Thanks very much, so clear, very good photo's and the result looks very professional don't you think?

  12. Absolutely gorgeous. Love the way you make art.


  13. This quilt is beautiful! Love it. And little Eleanor is just too adorable. What a cutie pie!


Please know that I read, and truly appreciate each and every comment! Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think. While time restrictions prevent me from being able to respond personally to every comment, please know that if you ask me a specific question concerning a technique, etc., I will do my best to respond in my comment section, so be sure to check back!


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