
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rimmed in Red: Working in a Series Article

The days have been flying by, filled with non-creative have-to's and must-do's... not a whole lot of want-to's. We are over halfway through December already, and I was starting to wonder if I would have anything of interest to share with you this month.


But much to my delight, I can now share this...

A few months back, I was contacted by the Editor of Art Quilting Studio and asked if I would do an article on my "Rimmed in Red" pieces, which I did back in 2011, for the Winter 2014 issue.

I decided this would be a great opportunity to write about working in a series, something I greatly enjoy doing. Even if I only produce a small body of work in a series, it feels bigger because each piece is part of a larger vision. I also know that I can revisit any series at any time, picking up where I left off, reworking old ideas with new ideas.

In the article, I share a bit about the process behind this series, as well as a few helpful tips for beginning and creating your own series of works. If you have never worked in a series before, I hope you will check out the article and give it a try, it's truly a wonderful way to work. And be sure to check out the other articles... lot's of creative inspiration to be found! 

(Also, if interested I still have two unsold pieces left in this series which you can find here and here.)


P.S. If I don't get a chance to post again before the holidays, I hope you all have happy ones!


  1. Yea! Congratulations. I will look for the magazine. I've been thinking about series work. I know your article will inspire me. It already has! Very happy holidays to you too!

  2. Congrats on a wonderful article....I picked up my copy last week and was thrilled to see your work in it.

  3. Congrats! I could not buy the issue, but Love your work. I am always inspired by you.

  4. Congratulations! I'm not the least bit surprised that you were asked to do this -- not only are you a creative artist, but you excel at writing and your tutorials are terrific. A Triple Talent! Thank you for sharing so much of what you do with all of us.


  5. How wonderful! And the series concept is intriguing. I must grab the article and check it out.

  6. I have my issue got it about 8 days ago and the article is wonderful-as is the artist and the works!
    congrats!and Merry Xmas!

  7. How cool! The red-rimmed series is about when I started following you. I will definitely look for the magazine.

  8. It looks like a great article - the little pieces nearly seem to jump off the page. I want to put my hands on this magazine.

  9. Congratulations on your article, Hope I can get a copy of this mag in Australia.
    Best wishes for a lovely Christmas.

  10. That's good. A good idea to explore. I love to read about other artists methods? 25The photos look really great. Congratulations

  11. Congratulations! I love series work and I look forward to reading about your process! Take care, Byrd

  12. Victoria, I am just catching up after being off for the holidays so better late than never - Congratulations on being published!

    Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and best wishes for the new year!

  13. Hi Victoria! I was very impressed by your rimmed in red series and plan to get ahold of the magazine.
    Question: If you wanted to add words to the piece, would you do it via textile paint or threads? Just retired, I am starting again to craft, to sew and have always wanted to do a series of work. Thanks for your time and inspiration.

  14. P.S. Do you know if the magazine is sold here in the States--at B&N perhaps--or do we have to order on-line. Thanks, can't wait to read your article.

  15. Thanks to each of you!

    Sunny, great question! Personally, if I were to add words, I would most likely do them in stitch. I have added words before to textile pieces using both hand-embroidered stitching, and machine stitching, (both free-motion and pre-programed stitching). I have also added words to fabric pieces using a mixed media approach where I found and cut out words from vintage ephemera, coated the paper with a matt varnish, let dry, then carefully machine stitched the words to the textile piece. I always let the work guide me as to which technique is most suitable.

    (As for writing with textile paint, I have never had any happiness with it, but others manage to use it joyfully. I am a firm believer that each of us has to work in ways that feel right to us exact right or wrong!)

    And yes, you can find the magazine in local stores! I have seen it at B&N, as well as Joanne Fabrics, Michael's Craft Store and AC Moore. :)

  16. Thanks much for sharing your vision on adding text to fiber art. I like the idea of adding with ephemera best, I think for me (no fancy sewing machine, not skilled embroiderer!) Heading out today to search for magazine. I do find reading about others' work motivating…sheers!


Please know that I read, and truly appreciate each and every comment! Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think. While time restrictions prevent me from being able to respond personally to every comment, please know that if you ask me a specific question concerning a technique, etc., I will do my best to respond in my comment section, so be sure to check back!


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