
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rimmed in Red: Working in a Series Article

The days have been flying by, filled with non-creative have-to's and must-do's... not a whole lot of want-to's. We are over halfway through December already, and I was starting to wonder if I would have anything of interest to share with you this month.


But much to my delight, I can now share this...

A few months back, I was contacted by the Editor of Art Quilting Studio and asked if I would do an article on my "Rimmed in Red" pieces, which I did back in 2011, for the Winter 2014 issue.

I decided this would be a great opportunity to write about working in a series, something I greatly enjoy doing. Even if I only produce a small body of work in a series, it feels bigger because each piece is part of a larger vision. I also know that I can revisit any series at any time, picking up where I left off, reworking old ideas with new ideas.

In the article, I share a bit about the process behind this series, as well as a few helpful tips for beginning and creating your own series of works. If you have never worked in a series before, I hope you will check out the article and give it a try, it's truly a wonderful way to work. And be sure to check out the other articles... lot's of creative inspiration to be found! 

(Also, if interested I still have two unsold pieces left in this series which you can find here and here.)


P.S. If I don't get a chance to post again before the holidays, I hope you all have happy ones!