
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cleveland or Bust - Part 1: My Adventures on Quilting Arts TV

The mystery is over...
My little trip was to Cleveland, Ohio, home of Quilting Arts TV!

It all began about 6 weeks back when Pokey Bolton, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Quilting Arts Magazine contacted me, wondering if I would like to appear on Quilting Arts TV to demonstrate how I make my Boro Bobbles and to talk a bit about my Work Quilt series... Yes, I think I would, thank you very much! Now, seeing as hubby and I have never gone on a vacation, (without kids) in 21 years, (pathetic, but true) this seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a bit of a get away, so hubby came along. Not only was he great company, and did all of the driving, but he took lots of photos for me. (Unfortunately, many are blurry, which is my fault as I accidently put the camera on the wrong setting, handed it to him and said, "just point and shoot". Oops.)

Okay, so what's involved in taping a segment? Well, on the day of your taping you arrive to the studio and hang out with the other artists in the aptly named "Green Room"...

Here I am with Candy Glendening and Susan Brubaker Knapp. Both of these talented ladies were as sweet as could be.

These are some of Candy's darling little bird houses, using fabric that she hand dyes herself.

And this is Deidre Adams...

Her work was truly extraordinary and she was just an all around gracious person. It was an honor to meet her.

Here's Dedrie working on one of the Bernina sewing machines with Jeannie Cook-Delpit, who is the director of national events for Bernina and such a warm and friendly person... she makes you feel instantly at home.

A bit before your segment comes up, they send you back for make-up...

Here I am all dolled up... a true rarity! I think it's been about 25 years since I even wore mascara, and I never wear lipstick. The foundation felt so odd on my skin... I had to be on my best behavior afterwards, as it took all of my will power not to scratch my face and ruin the whole thing. However, the artist who did my make-up, Karen, was such a cool person... she made it so much fun!

When it's your turn to tape, you head into the studio, and help set up your work...

Here I am trying to get a grasp on what I'm going to be doing.

Pokey joins me and she and the cameramen patiently go over a few of the basics that I will need to remember once the cameras start rolling.... unfortunately, I promptly forgot most of everything I was told... once again, oops.

Next, we get miked and the cameras start rolling...

We begin by talking about the steps involved in making a Boro Bobble. (Funny, I see these hands everyday, yet I barely recognize them. How can that be?)

Here's a nice close up of me demonstrating the stitching...

And now, just around this time, I start to feel a little tickle in the back of my throat...

And then...

I. Lose. My. Voice.

Now, when I am nervous, (and let's not kid ourselves, I was nervous) I tend to stumble over my words, stutter a bit, and/or babble... but never, ever, have I lost my voice. As I tried to eekk out my words, all I could think about was what the F. was happening, and why, oh why was it happening now!??!

And then I heard that dreaded, yet saving word...


A bottle of water was promptly brought to me, (complete with straw so as not to mess up my lipstick) and as I chugged it down, I expressed my deepest apologies. After what seemed an eternity, my voice returned and we resumed taping...

Here we are talking about my work quilts...

I think Pokey asked me why they were called that, and what was involved in making them, but honestly I don't really remember. By this time my head was spinning and my thoughts were solely focused on my silent prayers that my voice wouldn't fail me again.

In what felt like seconds the whole thing was over... my shot at the big time, fading before my eyes... but my voice was back, strong as ever. Thanks.

Here I am afterwards, cleaning up and breathing a sigh of both relief and resignation...

I realize I am much better at writing about my work, then talking about my work, and I don't think Hollywood will be knocking on my door anytime soon!

And here I am again, back in the Green Room and wearing a beautiful hand dyed silk scarf that Candy made...

She gave this to me, simply because she thought I should have it and that it matched my outfit. Wasn't that sweet?! (Now, you want to talk about a natural on TV... Candy was it.... funny, engaging, informative... totally fantastic!)

So, there you have it... whew! And if you'd like to hear about the rest of my Cleveland trip adventures, stop back soon, as I will be posting about them next time around! Till then, may your, (and my) voice stay strong! xo

P.S. Quilting Arts TV airs nationally on selected PBS stations. Unfortunately my PBS station does not carry it, but you can check to see if and when yours does, here. I'm not exactly sure what episode number my segment will be on or when it will air, but once I get that information I will let you all know.


  1. Yea! How exciting!! I'm sure you did well. Your work is so beautiful. It's wonderful that so many people will see it--and you!

  2. V...What an experience! This post is so very interesting....great to see behind the scenes as such and big congratulations to you.

  3. How exciting for you and what an honor for us to be able to get first hand info about backstage and the nervous fear stuff! I do the Morning Show every once in a while about my dog training classes and it is never easy, even after 36 years of yelling at people and dogs every week!

    glen: I know you did beautifully, just look at that beautiful face on there!

  4. Well how cool is that!!!! I read about it over on Candy's blog, the scarf looks GREAT on you! I know exactly what you mean about the makeup - I was on a local show a long time ago and I hated it, and now since I haven't worn any in so long it makes me claustrophobic. BLECH.
    You lost your voice - oh hon - thank goodness it wasn't live. So glad it came back. I could never, ever bring myself to do that, so good for you on getting through and I'm sure you did wonderfully!

  5. How exciting! And lucky you, meeting Deidre Adams - I admire her work very much.

  6. Marvelous, can't wait to see it...that losing the voice thing, I remember my first ever business meeting, same thing as if I didn't know how to talk. I am sure you were just wonderful and of course your work speaks for itself! xox Corrine

  7. So exciting to hear about this & now, to read & see these pics. You sure look very young! And that scarf is gorgeous & in your blue/green colours too. What a wonderful experience for you & hubby too! I can't remember when we were away without kids either. Happy weekend!

  8. Wow! Congratulations! I bet you did better than you thought you did. :-)

  9. Wonderful news about the show and getting to meet everyone... what fun and you look like you do this type of thing everyday . this is a compliment: I cannot believe how young you look ! Beautiful young woman you are.

    Maybe next time they'll have on so you can show and tell more about the exquisite Pojagi that brought many of us to your blog ..

    again, most sincere congratulations for industry recognition of your wonderful talents

  10. That is so fantastic!! You look great and it sounded like a lot of fun, except the losing of the voice part. So glad that came back!! I wish we got Quilting Arts TV here. We used to and then, poof, it was gone. I am going to try my hardest to find a way to watch this episode. Congrats on an honor well earned!

  11. Oh so happy for you....and proud. Can't wait to see your segment on real live TV. Nervous, who wouldn't have been...but, I would love to have been in your shoes!

  12. How exciting! I have also done a show taping, and experienced pretty much the same nervousness- I'm sure it came off as a wonderful segment. I'm just so proud that you've had this opportunity to show your work and speak about it- certainly the whole world should know! Congratulations! Keep us posted on when/where we can catch the segment.

  13. What an adventure! It's so fun to hear all the doings behind the scenes of a TV show. I'm so glad you got to show your work on TV and share it with a bigger audience. Sounds like a great show.

  14. I can't wait to see it! I'm sure you did a wonderful job:)

  15. What wonderful news! And great post showing the process, fascinating. I feel for you about speaking in front of other people, I would have done the same thing! Torture, isn't it? Yet, you always find after you watch it, you look fantastic and no one can even tell you're nervous!

    I'm going to record the upcoming shows. We get them here!

  16. wow!! that was big and great, what an amazing experience! congrats!! love the way you shared it to us! thanks!

    ps. you must look so beautiful on TV!!

  17. Congratulations! That's so amazing and fun! I'm sad they don't show Quilting Arts TV in my area... boo.

  18. Congratulations! This is SO cool!

    Sorry you lost your voice, but I must say that you look fabulous!

  19. TV can be hard! But I bet you did great. I started PVRing Quilting Arts to make sure I don't miss yours. I bet you are great.

    And, I bet you didn't call pears sexy on live, morning TV!

  20. Warmest Congratulations! Well deserved, to be sure. I'm sure we won't see any of this 'behind the scenes' description when we tune in...whoo hoo's to you. What, no post about the VACATION?!???

  21. I was getting nervous for you just reading about it...I too, get so nervous. But congrats! What an amazing experience.

  22. I always knew you were a star. Congratulations.

  23. Congrat, Victoria!
    You wrote your experiences as a 'TV star' so clearly and natural, just made me really see and feel your moment there. If I were you maybe I couldn't stand and smile like you behind the table, not only loosing my voice :)
    Good luck for your next journey on TV!

  24. Now that's cool! I'd be the same, an absolute nervous wreck, but it definitely doesn't show in your photos.


  25. Congratulations! A pity we don't get that TV here in Australia as I would really like to have watched it.

  26. Wow! A big congrats to you Vic! How awesome! I'd love to see the segment if it becomes available to view online (youtube maybe?) at some stage. Let us know! And you look so beautiful Vic! I'm so proud of you. I'm glad you and hubby were able to have a nice break away too!

  27. PS - You did so well to keep that huge news a secret for so long! I'd be blabbing about it to anyone and everyone the minute I could! xo

  28. How spectacular! This is the story that you tell your grandchildren so they know how famous you are! What a thrill it must have been. I plan to check and see if we get Quilting Arts on our PBS channel -- I would love to see you up close and personal. A great adventure -- kudos!


  29. This is PS to my earlier comment. I thought you might like to know that your work quilts have inspired me - along with three other sources of inspiration - to start a new project. You can read about it here if you like :
    I have posted a link to your blog and the work quilts page in the post.

  30. How exciting! I wish I could see it!...Maybe when they offer it as a video.

  31. Wow, Victoria! Congratulations! It must have been a wonderful experience and so nice you had a trip together with your husband after so long!

  32. Hi, Victoria. What a great write-up! You describe it so well. Thanks for the shout-out, very kind of you. It was so great to meet you, and I'm totally in love with your work. Love the Worn & Weathered blog, too. We are definitely kindred spirits in our choice of beauty.

  33. Wow Victoria! What an amazing experience, I'm glad your voice came back! Will they send you a copy of the show if you can't watch it on your home tv channel? It would be a shame not to see your final segments. You and your work both looked amazing
    : )

  34. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments, and yes, luckily I get a complimentary DVD!

  35. Totally fantastic for you and well deserved! Did you get to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum? I haven't been there yet but it's on the list of things to do while still living in Ohio.

  36. Yes, I did! (will post about it soon).

  37. What a great write-up! I wish I had been there earlier in the week to meet you and, I agree, Jeanne is the sweetest person.

  38. Malka, I saw your name on the schedule, and couldn't believe that I would miss meeting you by just 2 days! I would have loved to meet you in person! Hope you had a great time!

  39. Congrats! This is so cool. I was telling the gals in my guild that you were the person I would like to have a class with and Now I can see and hear you talk about your work on PBS. Please let us know when you know the number. I hope you enjoyed your time with your hubby... :-) Time together is always a good thing.

  40. Well done. I'd never have made it through filming - most brave of you! (Loved the bit about using a straw so you didn't mess up your lipstick.)


Please know that I read, and truly appreciate each and every comment! Thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think. While time restrictions prevent me from being able to respond personally to every comment, please know that if you ask me a specific question concerning a technique, etc., I will do my best to respond in my comment section, so be sure to check back!


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