
Friday, July 23, 2010

Summertime and the Living is Easy...

Well, I'm not sure how easy it is... certainly not hard, but busy and full. Definitely good, though... and what more can one ask for.

(Ragged barn found along back road travels.)

Sewing is being done in the cracks and crevices of family and life... treasured together time, a nephew's wedding, being there as daughters experience first time jobs and new responsibilities, (such as learning to drive, and getting use to wearing contact lenses) also, several minor medical procedures, including an upcoming wisdom teeth extraction for youngest. (Ouch x 4!)

...And hubby and I have decided to join the 21st century and learn how to text, (something we have both resisted, but feel it's now time). The land line phone is also going the way of the dinosaur in this house, and that feels very weird to me.

New adventures and opportunities that I wish to share, lay ahead for me in the near future, but for now I must remain mum.

Will be back when time opens up. Till then, enjoy your summer days. xo


  1. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures and opportunities. In the meantime, enjoy your family!

  2. Does sound busy and full. I just dragged myself into the 21st C as well - had my first Skype phone call with a long-distance writing friend. But my life is too busy and full for such innovations! Looking forward to hearing about your projects :)

  3. Summer days are still a few months away for me. Even though it's cold the sun is shining today so it makes me feel that winter isn't too bad!

    Enjoy your family time, and if you can squeeze in the odd sewing moment, then all the better. :)

  4. Seems being a mom always give us new experiences. Nice to hear something from you. Enjoy your summer day and life with family :)

  5. Sounds like a perfect summer to me. Family time! Enjoy it while they are home, it passes too quickly!

    As for texting I feel it is a wonderful thing. When my kids were to busy with friends and such if I sent them a text they would reply quickly where if I called them they would tend to ignore me. :-)

    I am looking forward to hearing about your new adventures!
    Good Luck and Enjoy!!!

  6. Enjoy your ‘mum‘-time and a wonderful Summer with your family!

  7. Ouch indeed - had my four wisdom teeth out a couple of years ago with local anaesthetic only, my first dental work ever (not a fun introduction)! Advice: stock up on ice-packs, drinking straws, and soluble pain-killers; make sure the blender/liquidiser's working; and set aside a few days strictly for moping and lounging. All the best! Nina.

  8. You sound so content Victoria, which is lovely to hear - maybe it comes with the summer days :) Love the photo; it's just so American to my European eyes! Look forward to having you back very soon :) x

  9. Ah the challenges of parenthood--but I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way. I do my best to resist technology--texting is one of them. Best of luck.

  10. Looking forward to seeing what is in store for you. I find your work very inspiring and long for time rearrangement that will allow me to try out some of your things!

  11. have an amazing summer Victoria.

  12. have an amazing summer Victoria.

  13. Wow! Sounds like so much is going on right now for you. You and hubby will be texting soon? Hehe...cute! I text and go through phases of loving it and then hating it! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about your adventures and opportunites. Don't take too long to share them with us! Until then Vic, you have a lovely time being mum. xo

  14. Love the photo! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  15. I'm not sure what my husband and I would do if we couldn't text...! :)

    Sounds like a full few months- all good (except those medical procedures... bleh) Hope you find some time to kick back, look at the sky and breathe it all in.

    Njoy yr summer!


  16. have a lovely summer!

    just stumbled upon your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other. =)


  17. I am always awaiting you next adventure. Enjoy your girls and the summer as it seems so fleeting. I am still not texting and don't know if I ever will.


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