
Monday, April 19, 2010

Art of Display at Artisans Collective

Starting today, and every other Monday, you can find me posting over at the Artisans Collective blog, where I'll be doing posts on the 'Art of Display'. I'll be looking at ways to creatively display artistic creations, whether it be in your home environment or for a photo shoot.

Todays post is on hangers; wood, plastic and yes, wire. (Sorry Joan Crawford!)

Hope to see you there!


  1. Oh this sounds very cool indeed Vic! I'm heading over to check it out now.

    PS - Joan would be whackin' me silly if she discovered my collection of wire hangers! I rarely hang clothes from them but they're handy for other things. I thought I should just mention that should Joan be popping in here. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if Joan is still with us anyway...

  2. I'm here! I'm everywhere!

  3. Goodness me, all that fuss over wire hangers! It's a lovely post you've done over there, I'll be sure to follow it.

  4. Wire hangers are the bane of my existence. My husband leaves these cheap white dry cleaner versions everywhere and they are always in my path. I tell him, if there is a hell, my personal version would be one where I had to sort wire hangers for eternity.

    I digress. Off to see if you can convince me...

  5. I never really gave much thought to how the display could be incorporated into the piece--I love the prose hanger! Thanks for directing me to the(your) post!

  6. Run, Hey Harriet, Run! (Be careful Tracy... seems that you've brought Joan back from the grave. I hope there's plenty of hiding places on the that island of yours!)

    Dear Michelle, you wouldn't want to be trapped in one of my closets, that's for sure! (Although slowly but surely I am weeding them out... but I swear they breed at night!)

    Thanks Fer and Duff! :0)

  7. Jacquie over at Tallgrass Prairie had some small quilts hanging from those wooden pants hangers on her blog I think last year. It was another cool way to hang a small piece.

  8. You are right, Patty... I forgot about that type of hanger!

  9. I just checked out the Artisans Collective blog. It looks exciting. Your photos ought to be inspired, because they are usually so crisp, well-composed and full of jazzy colors. Have fun.


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