
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Headband Heaven

I am in the midst of growing out my short hair and am currently in that awful stage where what had been bangs are now annoying slips of hair that will not yet reach behind my ears. Tired of hair clips and disdaining hairspray, (I am a low maintenance type of gal and don't even like the blow dryer) the simple solution is to wear headbands. Trouble is I have been headband cursed my whole life. They slip, they slid, they are too loose or too tight and they always ride up in the back, causing a funny little bulge in the back of my head. Drives me crazy!

But when I saw the headbands made by the very talented and amazingly sweet Colleen in her BCharmer shop, I decided to chance it and give my headband lust one more fling. I am so happy that I did! Her headbands are not only pretty as can be but fit like a dream, are incrediably comfortable and they stay put. And best of all they are REVERSIBLE!! I want one in every color!

Now I am a happy camper!
Thanks Colleen for making such a great headband!


  1. V, You make me smile! Happy headbanding!

  2. I like the hair without a fringe. Nice. Good hairbands.

  3. Oh my god! You are as cute as a bug's ear. Have you ever seen a bug's? They are adorable.

  4. I agree with Andrea! No, I'll go one better and say that you are as cute as 2 bug's ears! (I'm not quite sure what that means but take it as a compliment ;)

    Fun looking headbands. How cool that they're reversible. Two for the price of one!

  5. Growing your hair out can be a real drag. It always gets to a funny stage where you really begin to hate it and have to resist the urge to cut it off. So I can definitely see where these headbands are a must. Looks cute too!

  6. Ahhh...the dreaded grow out. Glad you found a solution!

    And happy late anniversary, too!

  7. Been there too.. patience, they are wonderdful headbands, you look fabulous! :0)

  8. they really suit you! I'm glad you had a good anniverary too, and I love your patches
    : )

  9. Oh they are PERFECT on you! I'm so glad that you like them; I'm smiling from ear to ear!

  10. A perfect solution - you look so cute! And hip. Definitely hip. :)

  11. I know eaxactly what you mean and so pleased you have found a perfect solution, that suits you to bits. x

  12. in between hair is a nightmare...with that headband yours is a dream!

  13. Wonderful picture of you and the headband!

    I’ve only been once or twice ‘in between hair’, cause short haircuts fit me the best.
    I remember the dreadful times though waiting for my hair to grow. I used Carmen hotwater curlers and I remember all the times I burned my head...

  14. I put a dot of velcro on the underside of my headband and it makes the headband stick to my hair perfectly.

  15. I totally know that bump on the back of the head. I actually think it's because it's sort of flat back there... like my mom laid me on my back to sleep too much when I was a baby! Anyway, I'm totally headband challenged... perhaps I should give it a whirl because I'm also in that grow-out phase.... thought I'd like the short cut (and I do) but I just like pulling the hair back more. I'm so fickle!

  16. It IS hard to find a good headband - kudos on finding such a great one!

  17. you looks so cute and these are great and pretty fabrics

  18. I think the headbands look nice on you.


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