
Monday, May 4, 2009

Falling Apart at the Seams

Certain things seem to be piling up around here, like paper work, weedy gardens, laundry and dust... all of which is effecting my ability to relax and create. So, I've decided to free up some hours over the next couple of weeks to tend to these things. If I don't then I fear that I, (and the home) shall start falling apart at the seams... such as this old barn right outside my neighborhood. Taking a blog break, seemed to be the logical, (but truthfully difficult) choice. So for the next two weeks I won't be posting, nor will I be commenting on your blogs, (though I may occasionally lurk!) I will still be tending to my Etsy shops, and checking email if anyone needs to contact me. See you all soon! xo

PS. Thanks to all who have been sending me their well wishes for Mo and asking about how she is doing. My little sweetie-pie is still hanging in there, and seems to be completely recovered from her stroke. Unfortunately the sinus tumor is growing, it is actually slightly distorting her snout now, and is causing a lot of congestion, some bleeding and trouble with her breathing. Low doses of Predisone seem to be helping. However, Molasses still shows amazing enthusiasm for each day and overall seems very happy. We just keep playing it by ear, taking it one day at a time and enjoying each others company all that we can.


  1. Enjoy your break and every moment spend with Mo! She’s so amazingly strong!

    Will be waiting for your lovely posts!! Take care and don’t fall apart at the seams!

  2. Sounds good! I wish I could join you :)
    Hugs to you and to Mo!


  3. Tell Mo "you go girl!" So proud of you both.

    Go enjoy your reprieve. I know it will do your soul good to be caught up again.

    Take care. xoxo

  4. We will miss you but sounds like a good plan... I know the problem of things falling apart. Hang in there and hug Mo, LOTS!!!!

  5. Glad to hear Mo is still hanging in there.

    Enjoy your break - I hope you are super duper productive!

  6. I think about Mo all of the time, I'm glad she is in good spirits ad fighting the valiant fight. Take good care of yourself and your home, we'll all be here when you return.

  7. enjoy your time and strengthen your seams. see you when you return. i think of you and mo often. enjoy your days together.

  8. A good decision. Spend some time with Mo while you can and we look forward to your return.
    Love the barn.

  9. You make me want to take a break too.

  10. Enjoy your break, I think you've earnt it!

    Big pats for Mo too.

  11. Have a lovely bloggy break! Now don't go spending all of your blog-free time doing housework! Do fun stuff too! Take some TtVs, doodle, bake yourself some yummy treats, read, rest, play and enjoy the company of your sweet Mo! Geez, that sounds nice doesn't it? I think I'll jump on a plane and come join you! If only!!! Take care and see you back here soon. xo

  12. V, Enjoy your hiatus. There comes a time in life when you realize you can have it all, just usually not all at the same time. Something always has to give. You will certainly be missed. Take care, friend. Happy sewing!

  13. A concerted break is so smart. I wish I could just plan it instead of just letting it happen. Enjoy your break and give Mo's ears a kiss for me.

  14. have a well deserved break and enjoy it. I think I may have to take a leaf out of your book and do the same bloggy break too!

  15. I wish Mo all the health in the world.Enjoy every moment. Take photos.Write it all down. As you may have guessed by now, our scruff bag came to a very sad end last weekend. We are reeling and wondering what has happened in the world.

  16. Little Mo - what an amazing animal. I know what you mean about stuff piling up and how it can affect you. Take your time, get your chores done and come back with peace of mind :)

  17. enjoy your break Victoria. I think maybe I need to do the same but unfortunately I'm not brave enough, might never get my readers back!

  18. My blog break definitely helped....hope yours did too.

    Hugs to Mo


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