
Monday, April 27, 2009


Fabian often dreams...

That he is on the Most Wanted List...

...of every hot-blooded Female in the world!

Introducing... the one, the only, the original Mr. Cool...


- His real name is Dwayne Yoder, but he won't admit this to anyone, except to his employer and the IRS.

- Wishes he was English and often talks with a phony English accent.

- Works weekdays as a waiter and plays the drums every weekend in a Journey tribute band, gig or no gig... (usually there's no gig).

- Considers himself a real ladies man, and dreams of someday owning his own boat, and sailing the 7 seas, with a girl waiting in every port, (check out his snazzy vintage sailor button... helps him to remember his true life's ambition).

To learn more about Fabian, his construction and special features, click on the link... (Okay Ladies, I know Fabian is a real stud muffin, but it's time to collect your wits and stop your swooning!)


One more thing... I really got a lot of enjoyment from my last post when some of you picked which odd sister you were most like, personality wise. I just thought that was wonderful and I thank you for sharing! Of course some of you have figured out that I share a bit with each of the four sisters, but for the record I am most definitely like Odd Elsie and Odd Sally!


  1. I am strangely drawn to Fabian's eyes...

  2. Like Elsiee, that was the first thing that attracted me to Fabian besides his wonderful hairdo. Love it!

  3. I would SO have a crush on this guy for, like, a day. Then I'd remember that day fondly every time I saw him, but I'd be happy not to get mixed up with such a character.

  4. I've been out of the loop for some time now and trying to catch up. My goodness Victoria, you have been SO busy! The dolls are charming but no more so than your interesting and hilarious narratives about them. A big CONGRATS on the new book, I will put a bug in the appropriate ear at the fabric shop about that one.

    And a belated happy bday! My question is this -- since you're a mere 4 years younger than me (yes your math is correct I hit the BIG one), how can you have such gorgeous beautiful skin and look about half my age?!

    So glad to hear that Mo is still doing well. She is a miracle in herself. Have a good week! xoxo

  5. Oh, my I am in love.... His hair is the best. You must have had as much fun creating him and the story. Your dolls are very wonderful.

  6. I love his trousers, they are just amazing!!
    : )

  7. I have run into a Fabian a time or two, and I think you have truly captured that "essence." Fabulous stuff! Luv it!

  8. Odd Nancy arrived at my house today. We are already best friends.

  9. I seem to have a lot in common with Fabian too, the fake British accent for example ;) He is very attractive!

  10. Oh I was swooning until I learnt he was in the Journey tribute band and then I snapped out of my reverie.

    Mind you, he still seems very sure of himself!

    Thanks for the laugh, and another great example of your skill. :o)

  11. These are so adorable and thanks for the chuckle! You are on a roll!

  12. Oh Fabian! I can't stop looking at your incredibly fabulous PANTS! But then you have such beguiling eyes! I'm inspired by the fact that you're a drummer despite your obvious disability of having no arms. YOU ROCK!

  13. ooooh Fabian, Fabian, Fabian, this handsome chap is adorable, I am sure he would rock everyone boat.
    I love these new projects you are working on.

  14. fabian is my son jon...except the drums are the guitar...other than that they could be twins...well maybe not the nose...i'm thinking he might make a great graduation present.

  15. I love Mr Cool Fabian/Dwayne Yodel Stud Muffin! A Journey tribute band? I don't know who they are so I'll go google them. You crack me up! I think the Odd Sisters all fancy Fabian. I predict trouble! ;D

  16. Ha! No offense to Fabian or Journey lovers, but I can't stand them! In my opinion you are fortunate to have never heard of them!


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