
Friday, March 6, 2009

Channeling Josef Albers

In the comments section of this previous post, my friend Michelle from Cicada Studio asked if I had researched Josef Albers. As much as I would love to give a resounding "yes" to this question, and wow you all with my vast knowledge of the artist, the truth is I had no idea who she was referring to. (In defense of my ignorance, please keep in mind that my last art history classes were more then 23 years ago, and my peri-menopausal hormones have made me even more forgetful of anything I might have once learned then ever before.)

Despite my ignorance, one thing I did know was that there had to be a good reason for Michelle to ask me, and so I googled him and lo and behold, I understand why she asked!

Above: Josef Albers Study for Homage to the Square

Above: My Mod Square Pillow in Shades of Orange... Do you see the similarities between his work and my new quilted Mod Squares?
(Of course you do!)

Above: Josef Albers Homage to the Square: Soft Spoken

Above and below: My Mod Square Functional Art Quilt in Blue and Green...

We even use the same colors... Freaky cool!
(Please excuse my oh-so sophisticated art speak.)

Well I am just blown away by this creative connection. Who knows, maybe I've been unconsciously channeling Albers creative spirit... if such a thing is possible. (Are you there Rod Serling?!?) All I can say is move over Frank Lloyd Wright, my new art crush is on Mr. Albers... xoxo. Thanks Michelle for the introduction! I look forward to doing my homework and learning more about the man.


A special thank you to all who left such sweet comments in regards to my Uncle Jim, and for sharing the love by passing it on. The funeral was very moving, and I was deeply touched to hear every person who spoke of him talk about his gentle kind smile, his amazing goodness towards others, his mechanical genius and his delightful sense of humor. The world was made better by his presence.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. xoxo


  1. I’m sure Mr. Albers’ spirit wanders around your house! Isn’t it amazing?

  2. Uh-huh, I was hearing the Twilight Zone music too -- it is eerie alright!

    The last sentence about your Uncle Jim "The world was made better by his presence." -- no greater tribute could be made. You make us all wish we could have known this remarkable man.

  3. Yes that is errie isn't it...but how fabulous that a blog reader would see the connection and comment on it!

  4. OH YAY! I'm so happy to have turned you on to him- he's truly one of my favorites (and now, maybe you understand why I love your work so much, too!). Have fun connecting with a kindred spirit. Perhaps there will be some hand-dying in your future to get that "perfect" shade....? (like you need another idea)

  5. this is such a fun post, I love discovering artists, its kind of like opening presents!
    Its supposed to hit the 70's today here too.

  6. Joseph Albers did the most amazing color studies, showing how colors actually "change" when surrounded by other colors. LOVED him in art school, we spent a whole semester learning about his color work!{love your work with color, too!}


  7. V, I think "freaky cool" sums it up beautifully. Luv it! Have a fabulous weekend.

  8. What a cool connection!

    I also wanted to say that your uncle will live on indefinitely because he has inspired others in the world to have goodness in their hearts. He now lives on in me through you! It sounds corney, but I really believe it.

  9. Amazing! Love all those squares :)

  10. Amazing inspiration and I love his work...your final results look soooo good!

  11. that is a freaky to have friends who help you make those connections. i think i need to research him a bit myself. (said by one who has never had an art history class)
    so sorry to hear about your uncle jim. he sounds like a wonderful man.

  12. What an amazing connection between you and Josef Albers! Spooky!!! That must have been so exciting to discover. And even more exciting for you I'm sure as you research and learn more about this great artist (one that I hadn't heard of before either). Very cool!

    You have a wonderful weekend :)

  13. What a wonderful thing learn, and what a great project to explore a new artist who you clearly share a vision with.

  14. What a coincidence! Love your mod square pillow - your use of colour is very effective.

  15. Beautiful. They remind me a little of Rothko. :)

  16. I think freaky cool sums it up perfectly.

  17. I love his work! I've also seen the idea of square pillows in quite different way in .It resembles more the Scandinavian style...


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