
Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Quilt

I had planned to be a sewing whiz this weekend, completing all of my unfinished quilts. Great plan but I got side tracked a bit when I slightly threw my back out, (from lifting up Molasses)... she may be short in height, but she is long in body... and 45 pounds of wiggly Molasses may be good for my soul but not for my back. All I can say is thank goodness for heating pads, pain killers and Mo's sweet face!

I was determined to get something done though and did finish this quilt. It looks very nice against the bare robin's egg blue walls of our dining room, which need a little something, so I plan on hanging it there. I especially like the big F & M , (do you see it?) on one of the feedsack strips. Hubby and I got married in the F & M College chapel, so the quilt has a bit of personal symbolism in it, which makes me happy!

The colors in the quilt remind me of winter, so that's what I am calling it.

Here's the back side. You can better see the various quilting stitches I used all over the piece... zig-zags, wiggles and straight stitches. (Wiggles... now there's a very technical term!) xo


  1. So sorry you hurt your back Victoria. I'm actually scheduled to go see my chiropractor this morning for an adjustment. Hurt my neck a week and a half ago.

    This quilt is gorgeous. Love the soft and gentle colors. One of the things I am always struck by is that the backs of your quilts are as equally compelling as the fronts. Someday, if I can buy one, I think I'd have a hard time committing to one side. I'd have to rotate and give the back the love it deserves. Just gorgeous!

    Michelle and I were singing your praises the other day when we met for coffee.

  2. I like the blue stitching used in lieu of lattice strips. I bet it will look fantastic on your wall.

    Remember: ice/heat, ice/heat. Hope your back feels better soon.

    Kiss to Mo!

  3. Your quilt is gorgeous! I'm so impressed.

  4. That quilting is such...happy quilting! Does that even make sense? There's austere quilting, homey quilting, but I feel like the "wiggles" are just happy to be there! Perhaps I've had too much coffee?

    Be careful with your back, lovely quilter, and do some gentle stretching when you are able, to make sure it doesn't tighten up too much in recovery.

  5. Ouch! Sorry you threw your back out. I'm not sure how heavy 45 pounds is (I'm a kilo girl) but Mo looks like a big dog. Hope your back will be better soon. Rest up!

    The quilt is so pretty! So this one is for yourself to keep? Good! You should spoil yourself & keep some of your lovely creations.

    Wiggles! I like that term. I don't imagine you'll be doing a whole lotta wiggling with your back out right now ;) Sorry. Bad joke. I'm wiggling away now...

    ...wiggle wiggle wiggle :)

  6. I LOVE the colors in those one - so peaceful and perfect for this moment.

  7. I love this quilt. I love the colours, the different quilting stitches and the zigzag to separate it all. Very inspiring - thank you for sharing.

  8. What a wonderful quilt! I just love the way that you put it all together. I hope that you back feels better soon.

  9. Victoria, Very cute and also interesting (which I like even more.) I like how you put this together. You've actually planted a seed in my head for a feed sack quilt that I have that is falling apart. When I finish this big quilt I'm working on now, I'm definitely going to explore this some more. You're awesome!

  10. Ooh! That looks so cozy! :) I bet it would keep me warm today! :) We got a slight sprinkling of snow!

  11. i love me some wiggly quilting! love the combination of stitches. this quilt has such a soft gentle feel. are you going to show it on your wall?

  12. So pretty- I enjoy soft pale colors in winter. How sweet you got those initials in there. I can sympathize with back pain, but mine is from hours of walking on concrete floors. Let's just take it easy today- we deserve it!

  13. I LOVE that F & M detail! I didn't see it at first - so glad you pointed it out. Hope your back is feeling better soon!

  14. So beautiful! I was just admiring a quilt at my mom's that had bits of feed sack here and there that her grandmother made. Not only is it aesthetically interesting, I love that it speaks of frugality.

  15. I love this quilt. It is so nice and the back is wonderful too. What a fun way to put it all together. As I am writing this I am sitting with Ice on my back. Must be the time of year, moon or weather. Take Care.

  16. Very pretty. You amaze me with your diversity. The soft colors surprised me. You must be comfortable working in any color scheme.

    Yes, it certainly does have a winter feel.

    xoxo to Mo.

  17. I tried to leave a comment on this a while ago - to say how lovely it is and how much I love the F & M.
    The colors are lovely too.


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