
Monday, January 12, 2009

Project Improv Blocks - Orange and Pink

For the Project Improv charity block donation, each participant was asked to pick one of three color combinations, (red/aqua, blue/green, orange/pink) and construct an 12.5" x 12.5" improvised log cabin block... obviously based on the pics below, I picked orange and pink!

The batik prints and colors used in 2 of these blocks are so bright I almost feel like I should wear sunglasses! My current projects are in more muted colors, so when I started pulling fabrics from my stash to construct these, I tried going for just the opposite.

I decided to go ahead and construct 3 blocks, just in case they could use some extras, plus it gave me a good excuse to play around with different ways of construction.

Some of the participants have volunteered to help sew the donated blocks into quilt tops, (just for the record, and to be completely honest, I am not one of those amazingly selfless people who so graciously volunteer their time. I get very grouchy and difficult to be around when I commit myself to large group projects. Wish I had a more giving temperament, but I don't.)

I read that Jackie of Canton Village Quilts, and a friend of hers have volunteered to do all of the quilting on their longarm machines for free. My hat's off to them, the other volunteers, and especially Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio, the brains and energy behind this project. I am continuely humbled, (and shamed a bit, too!) by people's energy levels and true generosity.

To see more of Project Improve blocks and projects, check out Project Improv's Flickr Site


  1. Oh my goodness Victoria - I can't believe you did three! I like the funky look of the third one.

    My grandmother taught me to quilt with all the traditional rules of symmetry. It takes a new mind set to grasp the concept of improv. You're inspiring me though! Beautiful blocks.

  2. Those blocks are gorgeous Vistoria. I especially love the third one!
    Jacquie is a wonderful lady to host this Project Improv and to spend so much time on making it a success.

    Your blocks have inspired me!

  3. i'm blushing...thanks and thanks for doing these...they are so wonderful, fiery and fresh!

  4. Such beautiful blocks! The third one is particularly interesting; I like it a lot!

  5. Wow to the first one! Then I scrolled down and liked the second one even better! Then scrolled down to the third (can you guess where I'm going with this? ;) & bingo! The third one is totally my fave! Love them all but something about the third one I just adore.

    I also like your honesty grouchy pants. Funny, you don't strike my as a grouchy type at all!

    I'll check out the Project Improv's Flickr site. Thanks for the link :)

  6. LOVELY blocks! You're an inspiration--I'll be making a pink/orange block as well. Fun stuff!!

  7. Great Blocks! I love the pink/orange color combo.

  8. Orange and pink are such cheery colors! Especially with all the gray clouds we've been having! ;) Beautiful work!

  9. your contributions look great, I love those colours
    : )

  10. Oh I love all three of them! Wonderful!

  11. Fantastic blocks. Jacquie has lots of support for her project improv and Jackie is a generous to offer quilting services.

  12. I had forgotten how much I love orange and pink together....thanks for reminding me! xo t

  13. I love all your fabrics! The blocks are great :)

  14. totally cool and I LOVE the orange pink combo

  15. These are stunning! I should really hop to it soon.

  16. These colours really sizzle. You are being generous by donating these blocks..don't be hard on yourself.


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