
Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

Happy 2009 Everybody!
Wow, amazing how fast time flies... seems like only yesterday it was 2008... (That's a little joke!)

Hope everyone's holidays have been lovely, meaningful, renewing, inspiring and enjoyable. Ours has been all and everything mostly due to watching and caring for Mo. I am so grateful to say that she truly has been our Christmas miracle, defying all medical prognosis and teaching us that we really don't know a damn thing! She has gone from laying at deaths door to carry in the morning newspaper through our front door, (something she use to take great delight in but hasn't done in sometime, so seeing her do it once more the other day was extremely heart warming.) I do not know if it has been the power of love, everyone's prayers and good wishes, the St. Francis charm around her neck, or just her invincible spirit that keeps her going. Maybe it's all of it combined. Suffice to say, my cup runneth over with gratitude.


  1. Go Mo! That's great news. And what a crazy photo of Mo...hehe. I love goofy dog photos! I'm impressed that Mo collects your newspaper. Wow! Wish my Sophie would learn to do that. Although I don't have the paper delivered. Better still! Soph could fetch it from the shop for me. And pick up some groceries while at it. Hmmmm....not likely to happen. I'm so glad that you were able to see in the new year with your gorgeous Mo :)

  2. What a nice thing to read on the first day of the new year. May your happiness continue-


  3. Mo, you’re the best! What a happy start of a new year!! Love and hugs))

  4. Awww sweet Mo. Great news Victoria!

    A very happy New Year!

  5. Hi Victoria, I'm glad that your Mo is feeling better, I also spent the holidays caring for a sick dog and cat; one very old the other still a year old pup but they didn't make it. So my (our) holidays were subdued. Nevertheless. I have much to be gratful for...I'm happy for all the love in my life. May you enjoy the year ahead...your little Mo nose perspective is cute! I just came over from High Desert Diva for a little visit. Happy Year ahead.

  6. Great picture!!
    What a sweet face. So glad to hear your Mo is doing better.

  7. Kiss that nose for me.
    Happy new year to you and yours.

  8. *Kisses Mo's nose* Wonderful news.

  9. I tell you, no one knows what tomorrow brings and Mo showed that..
    So happy to read this blog and what a great start to the New Year..Have a wonderful day..

  10. What fantastic news! Reading this warms my heart so much.

    Happy New Year to you and Mo!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Happy 2009! It was great to read the wonderful news on Mo.

  13. Found your blog with a search for walks in NYC which pulled up your September post. Love the fire escapes photo. See more art on the streets in our November Walk the Downtown post. Happy New Year!

  14. fantastic, happy news, congratulations!!

  15. Yay! This made my day...a miracle dog you have Victoria! xo t

  16. Wonderful picture. What a gift to have see that once more.

  17. Go Mo GOOOO! What a wonderful gift. Have a great start to your new year. Looking forward to more of your fabulous work.

  18. happy New Year and greatr news about Mo!

  19. Glad your dog is feeling better. May your time together have more happy and joyful moments.


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