
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving with More Vintage Cookbook Illustrations!

Run Turkey! Run!

Here are some more vintage cookbook illustrations, (again, from the oh, so talented Kay Lovelace) to help get you in the Thanksgiving spirit! To see more of Kay Lovelace's illustrations go here.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and make sure to take a little time to put your feet up and relax a bit, you deserve it!


  1. what great pictures, I think I need the one for women in a hurry!
    : )

  2. Very cute. I wonder - did boys actually wear those hats with pointy spikes that look like a king's crown?!

  3. Fun illustrations! That's the oddest looking turkey I've ever seen! I don't celebrate Thanksgiving where I am, but I'll still try & take your advice & relax a bit ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I'm not sure when it is. I thought it was today but my calendar says it's tomorrow. Whenever it is, hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. I LOVE your blog! These are great! :) x

  5. These are so fun to look at...but I'm so glad clothing styles have changed!

  6. Love the last picture. That is how all meals should be made!

  7. I look just like that if you can get past the headscarf and tattered yoga pants! Have a peaceful bliss-filled holiday.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great illustrations. So much character to them.

  10. Quick Dishes is one of my faves
    Funny funny stuff, I love these illustrations

  11. I love vintage cookbook illustrations! Awesome post! =)

  12. I just love the illustrations. I remember one of my friends had older parents and her mother gave her the "Ladies Handbook to Car Repairs" when she got her driver's was her Mother's copy from when she learned to drive!!! We were histerical as we paged through it and it had the same illustrations.

  13. There's a certain dynamic quality to this style- I love the way everything seems to be done with a flourish. Thanks for sharing such a great find. Hope your holiday weekend is relaxing and filled with family.

  14. Hope you had a happy thanksgiving..and didn't have to axe your own turkey!

  15. i hope you had a lovely holiday and did the same for yourself!

  16. These are so neat - I love seeing drawings from this time. They have such a fun and simple quality to them! Hope you had a good holiday!


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