
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Color, New Work

I hope everyone had a lovely long holiday weekend. I know that for a lot of folks in the New Orleans area, the only thing lovely about it was that they weren't hit as hard as originally feared. Thank goodness for that, however they still got slammed pretty good, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that all future storms spare them. They have been through enough. And by the way, thanks to everyone who left such thoughtful comments on my hurricane quilt from the previous post.

We spent part of the weekend giving our kitchen a much needed paint job. I choose this pale sunny yellow color, and am delighted by how cheery the kitchen now looks. Seeing as it was on my to do list for the last 5 YEARS, (!) I am thrilled that it is finally done! Hoping to tackle the dining room next week!

And this is my latest mid-century inspired
table runner/wall hanging/art quilt, which I posted a few days ago here in my shop.

I am really enjoying designing and constructing these pieces, and am looking forward to doing more!
(But now I need to go blog hopping and catch up on everyone else's weekend!)


  1. Thank goodness New Orleans wasn't hit as hard as last time, I agree Victoria.

    I love the colour you chose for your kitchen, it's almost the same as what's in my kitchen. It does make a difference, doesn’t it!

    I absolutely love this quilt! The pink flowers definitely make it pop, I can see this sitting on my kitchen table! :D

  2. I love the quilt you made! It is really gorgeous!

  3. that flower picture you used as colour inspiration for your kitchen is beautiful, and I love you newest runner too
    : )

  4. Sounds like you had a busy weekend - great color pick too! Yay to new paint!

  5. I love these quilt runners you have in your shop now, esp. the blue one. You make such hip/modern art with such time-honored techniques. Such talent you have!

  6. the perfect yellow and is that a flower hook? I want it! Once again, I am amazed by your talents expressed in this runner!

  7. looks like most people dodged the bullet...hope people don't get complacent for next time, though. i think this may be my the colors in this one.

  8. Thanks everyone, and yes Mrs. French, it is indeed a hook. I found it at a local thrift shop and fell madly in love!

  9. If my monitor is true, it looks like our kitchens match! (I wouldn't be surprised, either).
    Another bee-you-tee-full piece, Victoria. I love that you get on a roll with a theme and just go with it. You make it seem effortless.

  10. really love your pieces! so pretty.

  11. Love that sunny yellow colour! It's such a sweet shade for a kitchen. Hey you should have posted before & after pics of your kitchen...maybe you can for your dining room ;)

    Your new art quilt is fab! It's so cool how they function as so many different things. Glad you're enjoying making them so much because we all enjoy seeing them!!!

  12. Wow! Your new quilt looks so beautiful! I love those colors in it! And What a fun color for a kitchen! ;) I am happy for you that you have a cheery place to cook and prepare!! :)

  13. these new pieces are really stunning, so many great textures,please can I touch!

  14. i love that flower hook! its too cute! i have one that looks a lot like it!

    wonderful blog! stop by mine sometime and say hello :)


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