
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2009 Collage Calendar Giveaway!

Happy October 1st Everyone!
Great to be back after my mini blog break! Hope you all have been well, and your money is tucked safe and sound under your mattresses! But we won't get into politics right now, as I would much rather focus on happier things, such as sharing with you the new 2009 Collage calendar from Amber Lotus Publishing, which I am thrilled to be a part of, and to offer one lucky winner a free copy in my GIVEAWAY! Yay!

Above is the cover for COLLAGE: Artplay for your Creative Spirit. The cover artwork was done by Karyn Gartel, and the inside is graced by an amazing line up of artistic talent! I am so tickled and honored to be included, as I greatly admire all of the artists in this calendar!

So how did I happen to wind up here? Well, last year I was contacted by Lunaea Weatherstone who was the force behind gathering all of the artists for this project and who also wrote words of inspiration to go along with each months artwork, helping to inspire and spark the viewers own creativity. She asked me if I would be interested in being one of the collage artists featured in this 2009 calendar, (um....YES!) My job in this was made easy as pumpkin pie, as Lunaea already knew what piece of mine she would like to use, having seen it earlier in Somerset Studio. So off my piece flew for the second time to California, for another photo shoot. (I think I have said this before, but I will say it again, my artwork leads a much more exciting life then I do!)

This is my piece above, (I am the month of March, which is great since that's my birth month!) It's titled "Best Wishes for Planet Earth". I made it the day after I watched Al Gore's "An Inconvient Truth", (which I hope you all have seen!) I needed a place to channel some of my emotions, and this was the result.

I made the frame from foam core, tissue paper, and paint. Vintage ephemera, lace, buttons, plus seed pods and sticks collected from my garden were used to compose the piece, and communicate my feelings of fear, and love and hope for our dear and fragile earth.

Below are little snippets taken from each of the 12 art pieces featured in the calender, beginning with January's. The artists, (and links to them) are credited below each piece:

DJ Pettitt

Sarah Fishburn

Victoria Gertenbach, (Yours truly!)

Teesha Moore

Jenny Doh

Beth Moran

Karyn Gartel

Paula Dion

Angela Cartwright

Tiffini Elektra X

Christi Hydeck

Elise Peeples

I am delighted that this is an Amber Lotus publication. Amber Lotus is a very environmentally conscious company. They are a member of the Green Press Initiative, and in addition to printing calendars on 100% recycled paper with soy-based ink, they also were responsible for having 33,000 trees planted in 2007!

If you would like a chance to win a brand new copy of this beautiful calendar, just leave a comment below and just for fun tell me what your favorite year(s) have been... I liked 1967 because I was 4 years old, and 4 is a pretty fun age in my opinion. I also liked 1986, as I graduated from art school and got married that year. 1989, and 1994 because that is when my daughters were born, and 2005, (October 1st to be exact) because that is when I FINALLY got to see my beloved Rolling Stones in concert, something I had been trying to do since the age of 12!

By the way, only one comment per person please, and make sure that I have a way to contact you should you win! Should you not be the winner, but know a good thing when you see it, and simply must have a copy, fear not for I am currently also offering a few copies of the calendar for sale in both my BooDilly's shop and in my Silly BooDilly shop. I only have a few, so if you are interested grab one now! (Of course you can also order one here from Amber Lotus!)

I will be randomly picking a winner next Tuesday evening and posting the winner on Wednesday October 8th. Good luck everyone!


  1. This is such a great calender! I like so much of the artwork that it would be impossible for me to chose a favorite month.
    Maggie C. Mowery

  2. Oh, I didn't mean a favorite month of the calendar art, I just meant a favorite month in general. I will have to re-word how I write that. Thanks!

  3. cool calendar! :D favorite year hmm...1977 since it was the year i was born. and i was probably laying around a lot, eating, vegging and sleeping. what a life!

  4. September is my fave month because the weather is so yummy, and I was born in '77 too, Bunzi!

  5. Beautiful calendar, such amazing talent!

    My favorite year...hmmm. I'll have to say the summer of 2004. After some very low times in our marriage, my husband and I reconciled and reconnected in a way that continues to grow and amaze us (and others) ever since! (Thanks for reminding me btw)

  6. Hi Victoria, welcome back! If I had any money it would most certainly be under my matress!! But I don't.....possibly a good thing at the moment.
    This calendar is amazing, I would love one. My favourite year, this one, live for the moment I say.

  7. Wow! Looooove this calendar.

    Love the piece of yours that is featured in March (my birthday month!)
    and your inspiration for it....
    My mom bought copies of An Inconvenient Truth for everyone she knew for Christmas the year the movie was released. Then I badgered everyone I knew into going to see it. (I can't for the life of me, understand the people who do not believe in global warming...!)

    As far as favorite years...hmmm....1989-the year I met my husband, and 2005 the year my decorating biz really took off (only to crash and burn once we moved to the desert...)

    Good post Victoria! Welcome back to blogland!

  8. Oh, what a great way to get a piece of your artwork. It looks a lovely calandar. My favourite years (so hard to choose) would be 1972 when I moved to New Zealand and began teaching and 2004 when I moved to France and began the life of a French Peasant! Both wonderful exciting times.

    Cheers, Cynthia

  9. Welcome back!

    Please count me in on this most awesome giveaway! Your artwork is lovely! I like all of the collages!

    My fave year? 1997. It was the year that I was exactly where I wanted to be, & doing exactly what I wanted to be doing. Things are not like that now. But that's ok. That's life. We have to grow up ;)

  10. My favorite year was 1992 my first born was born. She was so adorable!
    Also 1998 I gratuated from college!

  11. What a great calendar - my son's birthday is March too! I loved 1967, I was 5 and I remember that it was great. At 5 it's all about having fun. 1988, got married, 1992, 1st son born, 1995, 2nd son born.

  12. What a gorgeous and amazing collebrative project! I would love to win, your month looks amazing.

    My favorite years: 2000 the year I got married, 2004 the year my daughter was born, 2007 the year my son is born. And for purely selfish reasons I'll throw in 1998, when it was just me and my husband doing whatever we felt like without any real responsibilities!

  13. Welcome back Victoria! You were missed!

    Your artwork is beautiful. I love this calendar, but most of all because you are one of the artists included! Please count me in!

    Favorite year(s)? Easy.

    1976, the year I married Dumplin'

    1982, my first son was born

    1886, my second son was born

    1995, my daughter was born

    2007, my grandson was born

    2008, I started blogging and found your blog. :)

  14. my favorite year was 2001 because i moved out of my house and got to live with my aunt. i graduated hs in 2000 and life seemed so huge...i really enjoyed being on my own...rather than stuck in classrooms all day. it was a fun time working and meeting new was fabulous.

  15. Well, last year 2007 was a great year for me. I found Etsy!

    This year 2008 is also a good year for me, as I have a special friend and was able to let go of the past!

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  16. What a great looking calendar!! Congrats on getting your work in there.

    My favorite dates would be:
    1994...I got married daughter was born

  17. Well I was so delighted you are back I was going to leave a comment anyway!
    2007 was a good year for me for a lot of reasons. I liked 1992 up until 22nd October when my father died but before that it had been a good year.We had lots of close family contact and visits and holidays.
    I liked being 24..that was a long time ago..1975.

  18. 1996 was a pratty good year. Graduated, started dating my husband, moved into a fun house. Of course, I also crashed my brother's car and got fired from a crappy job that same year.
    Art will always make us feel better. Gorgeous calendar!

  19. 1996 was a pratty good year. Graduated, started dating my husband, moved into a fun house. Of course, I also crashed my brother's car and got fired from a crappy job that same year.
    Art will always make us feel better. Gorgeous calendar!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Wow, those are all such interesting works of art!

  22. Don't enter me into the contest! I'm in the cal;endar and have my copies! I'll be doing a drawing too, ha! Just wanted to say I loved your piece!


  23. gorgeous, stunning, it. xxoo

  24. My favorite year was 1997. My daughter was born, my husband got a new terrific job, and we bought our first house.

    It was a year of prosperity!

  25. How exciting! What beautiful pieces of art! And welcome back to BlogLand! ;D

  26. What wonderful work..Happy you are back blogging, missed you..
    March is my month too..good month, spring starts..

  27. Congratulations, great work!

    My favorite year was THIS year. My health was much better than the previous few, no surgeries, no tramatic events AND I married the love of my life in May. In the six months since we've been married life has only got better. I think 2009 will be even better still!

    Have a great day,

  28. Looks like a lovely celebration of months - how exciting!

  29. Wonderful calendar! My favrotite year is probably 1996, the year that I was married to my high school sweetheart. :)

  30. Victoria, your collage is excellent! I love the ephemera you've used and also the long shape of it - lovely!
    Congratulations on being included in the calendar!
    Hmmm, I'm not sure what year has been my favourite... maybe 1996 when I travelled to Italy on my own as a young Art student, this was also the year I met my husband.

  31. hey there, I just wanted to let you know that I will be having my students from my quilting class visiting your blog. I have copied a couple of your images to show them in class. I hope this is okay. I really want them to see your work.


  32. I'm finally able to comment! I've been glossing by the images in my reader for a few days now, but really wanted to take my time to look at these pieces. What a wonderful calendar, and your piece is among my favorites, and I'm not just sayin' that cuz I like you. I'm happy for you to be a part of this project- though it's obviously a perfect fit. So, count me in!

  33. That has got to be the most amazing calendar I have ever seen! LOVE IT!

    My favorite year would probably be 1999, the year my youngest niece was born. I was happy in a new job that paid well, was in my early 20s and having a great time. 2001 was also pretty great, when I was renting a HUGE house with my best friend.

    I will have to say that my BEST year hasnt happened yet - I have much hope for the future, and the best is yet to come! :)

  34. You must be thrilled to be invited! Your March contribution is wonderful!

    My favourite year has to be 1996. I graduated from Art School being in my early fourties!

  35. Congrats! What an honor! 2006 was a great year because that was the year I got married!


  36. what a gorgeous collection!!

    i'll say 2001... the year i met the man i married. :0)

  37. Beautiful cakendar! Congrats for the feature.

  38. Hi,
    I would LOVE to win this gorgeous collection of artwork! My fav years were 1967 because I started Kindergarten and have been in school ever since!
    1976- because I was rockin' the red, white and blue vote pants and I discovered KISS! 1984 because I got married and 1987 and 1994 because that's when my sons were born!
    Jennifer Rogers-Daniels

  39. Hi!
    This calendar looks so good!
    I liked the years 1997, 2004 and 2006.
    Basically because there was the most things happening at those times. I hope I'll have fun years like that ahead of me too:) If not, it's ok too.

    MY e mail is

  40. oh how neat! congrats, that calendar looks gorgeous,, many many talented artists in there!


    lovemeknotcreations AT gmail DOT com

  41. hi, hope you enjoyed your break. The calendar looks great, how wonderful to be included in it
    : )

  42. Welcome back Victoria. The calendar peeks are great and show a lot of promise for the full collection. I have to say that my favorite years are everyone of them that I had time with my grandparents, they provided love and guidance unconditionally and I wouldn't be the person I am if they were not part of my life. And other years for the blessings I had watching my son grow to be a man.
    Hugs your doing great.

  43. Congratulation on being a part of such a beautiful project! I love your piece!

  44. welcome back, I hope you had fun times away from blogging!
    2004 would be my fave year, cos I got married and we had a fab honeymoon. I could go on and mention many other years but I'll stop..........

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I have to say I enjoyed reading these comments. sandra ree wrting "1976, the year I married Dumplin" made me laugh me laugh out loud. I want to meet Dumplin'.
    I am glad you got to see your boys after such a long wait. Jumpin' Jack Flash, I bet you had a gas, gas, gas

  47. 2003 was a great year for me. My miracle son was born!
    LOVe the calendar!
