
Monday, May 19, 2008

Candy Button Space Spores

I finished making my four "Candy Button Space Spore" mini embroidered art quilts this weekend! They may be little, (4" x 4" each) but there is a lot of embroidery packed into each one! (I counted 104 french knots in one of them!)

Above is a picture of one little spore displayed on a table top. Because I back each of my quilts with a piece of fabric covered Timtex, ( a stiff, heavyweight interfacing) they won't droop or flop and they sit wonderfully on a table top easel frame. I also sew a flat cord hanger the back of each quilt so they can be hung on the wall.

Below are close up views of each little spore! To see them in their entirety please visit my shop!


  1. Once again, I am blown away by your meticulous, beautiful work. WOW.

  2. I can't get over your impeccable detail... you have the gift!

  3. Gosh...104 french knots! In just one of them alone!?!. Wow! Not that I really know what a french knot is (excuse my ignorance), but I do adore what you do. Those Candy Button Space Spores are beautiful.

  4. I love to do french knots they are so therapeutic. These are lovely!!

  5. congratulations on the front page! These little spores are great, beautiful colours
    : )

  6. I am sure I say it everytime, but this one is truly my favorite!

  7. So pretty! And so many knots!! Goodness! YOu are speedy! And you work so hard. Great work!

  8. small and perfect

  9. I've never seen embroidery like this before. im in love :)

  10. These turned out beautifully!

  11. I'm so glad I found your blog. I've been a flickr admirer of your for a long time. I'll be back often. You do such unique, creative work. LOVE IT!

  12. Yowza! That's a lot of french knots! Your work is too fabulous. -e

  13. I love this! The colours and design are so vibrant.


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