
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has sprung, or at least is in the process of sprunging, (yes I know that it not a real word, but it should be.) All of the colors around me are changing and I simply love what I see! The two little art quilts above are the first in a new series of small abstract works where I have fun, (it is all about having fun, you know) with playing around with simple colors, shapes, lines and textures. The wonderful crisp clear newborn colors of spring inspired these two pieces. The baby blue of the sky, and the lovely yellow green colors of the leaf buds forming on the trees, excite me each and every year as if I am seeing them for the first time. It's nothing short of magic.


  1. Yes, you can see you've been inspired by the season. Love the new palette!

  2. Spring sprung and turned back into winter here today. It is snowing as I type this :)

  3. lovely spring colours, beautiful combinations as always!
    : )

  4. Gosh you have neat stitches....genius These are great.

  5. Beautiful, cheerful, with just the right amount of edginess.

  6. I love you little quilts they are wonderful

  7. I love all the stitch work on this.


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