
Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Look, New Direction

I hope everyone had a very nice holiday, and that the new year is off to a good start. I know that this time of year can be difficult for some of us who can't help but be reminded of how quickly time passes and how much we miss certain loved ones. Five years ago, on December 26th my father passed away. It was difficult for me to realize that so much time had passed. My girls were still little when he died, one in elementary school and one in middle school. Now my youngest is a teenager and my oldest an adult in college. I ache thinking of how much time we all missed. I can't help but to feel a bit cheated for my kids, that they didn't have him in their lives for a longer period of time. And I feel grateful for the time we did have, and blessed with the certainty that he indeed is still present in our lives, watching over us, and rooting for us as we find our way in this life.

With the new year here I found myself looking for some change. The artistic path I have been on was starting to feel too familiar, like walking a trail and passing the same tree over and over. It was a lovely path but I was ready for a little change, and so I have done a few simple things. I changed the look of the blog a bit, and added a new banner. I also changed my Etsy banner to this one and made a matching avatar. Also for the time being, I have put aside making my vintage and retro inspired gift items and have started concentrating more on illustrating and making art quilts, (which is what I use to do almost exclusively a few years ago).

I am having loads of fun with this new series of small embroidered art quilts. They are based on little, loose styled drawings that I do on my computer. The red and white one pictured above is called "Pathway" and the one pictured below is called "Extrovert and Introvert". (Also pictured below is the drawing that I based it on.) These and others can be found in my Etsy store, and I will be posting more as I make them.


  1. Wow your work is beautiful. Looks a lot like Mola work. Very nice! I got all wistful and almost teary reading about your dad. It makes me hope that mine will be around to see my little one get married some day. She just worships her Papie. :)

  2. Love love love the new look and your new work!

  3. I love what you are doing -- we all have to keep doing something new so we can grow -- it's why we're artists after all!

    Thanks for hearting me on Etsy. I notice we've both been there about the same amount of time. Great place! I'm glad to discover your work. I've hearted some pieces for future treasuries (and possible treasures!)


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