
Thursday, October 7, 2021

New Stitched Talismans Tutorial Pattern!

Object of Comfort Talisman, Front View

I've just released a new tutorial pattern, now available here in my Etsy shop!
This one is on how to make your own stitched talismans using stones and shells as the base like the one shown above, (that I just made yesterday) and the ones shown below.

The idea for these first started some 10 + years ago when I was beach combing and came across a massive and beautiful pile of broken, hard-shell, quahog clamshell fragments. I gathered a bucket full of them knowing that someday, somehow, I was going to cover them in patchwork... 
I just wasn't exactly sure of how I would go about doing that.

That seed stayed germinating in my head for a long time before it decided to finally sprout several years ago, when I finally figured out how to do what I'd envisioned all those years earlier...

I was planning on creating a pattern back then, in case anyone else had a thing for collecting such treasures from the beach and might want to make there own. However, shortly after sharing some of what I was making on social media, Quilting Arts Magazine contacted me asking if I'd write a short how-to article on making the talismans for their Feb/March 2018 Issue.

Some of you may remember... they even made the cover...

(A true thrill and honor indeed!!)

After that, the pattern idea just got tossed on the back burner of my brain, and I moved on to other things, (because I never, ever seem to be able to stay focused on one thing for very long).

During the following years, I've been contacted now and again from someone wanting to know if I offered my own tutorial pattern for these, like I do for my Fabric Quilted Beads
and if not was I ever planning on creating one? 
The answer has always been, "No. Yes. But I have no idea when."

Honest and vague.

But now the answer is,"Why yes, yes indeed I do!"

(And that makes me so happy!)

This PDF downloadable pattern, (available in my Etsy shop) offers more in depth instruction then I was able to provide in the magazine article, as well as step by step photo illustrations. For good measure I've included how to make a simple talisman necklace and a tea stained version of the talismans...

The materials and tools needed are pretty basic, and no worries if you don't have a stash of broken hard-shell fragments, as smooth stones and rocks work great as well!

So, if you would like to know how, or want some more info on making your own talismans...

(Or if you just wish to clothe some stones and shells because they look cold and naked to you!) 
Then hopefully this pattern will provide you with what you need!

Object of Comfort Talisman, BackView


Oh! And speaking of Quilting Arts Magazine...

I have a new article featured in their current Fall 2021 issue!

This article is on how to make your own Story Fragments, as shown in my previous post here.

Be sure to look for this lovely issue, it's full of lot's of great ideas and information!