
Monday, December 16, 2019

Shunned Series

In my mind a did a blog post just about a month or so ago... in reality it was 8 months ago, and here we are with just a few weeks left in 2019. So, with that realization, I figured it was definitely time to do one last blog post before the new year.

While I've made a couple of quilts between my last post and this one, (both of which can be found on my Instagram feed, I thought I'd share with you what I've been most recently stitching.

Small stitched works visually inspired from the local worn and weathered barns that I photograph on my phone as I go from here to there, in Northern Lancaster County and surrounding areas, such as these two...

Each was stitched while contemplating that, (and those) which are rejected, discarded, abandoned, deemed unworthy... But which deserve love, respect, honor, dignity, and understanding. I also pulled from personal memories of rejection, as well as reflecting on the Amish practice found here in Lancaster County of shunning those in the family that choose to forge a different path.  And from those contemplations, all I can say is this...

We all have faced rejection and we have all been the one that rejected. We have all been judged, and we have all judged. We have all had love withheld, and we have all withheld love. That alone should give us compassion. Everyone is broken to some degree, and everyone is in need of some tender mercy. 

Having said that, (and warning... I'm about to go political here) I admit I'd find it hard to give that mercy to some... including the person who now occupies the White House. However, should he ever grow a heart, or at least a moral compass and truly ask for forgiveness, then that is what I hope I would do. Until then, I hope his is a one term presidency, or better yet, a less than one term.

Below are the 8 pieces I've stitched so far in what I am calling my "Shunned" series. I may finish with one more, or keep going. Don't yet know. 

The photos were all taken in various natural light and aren't the best, so have a bit of mercy for them.


Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
7" x 4.5"


Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
3" x 3"


Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
5.75" x 5"


Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
7.5" x 6"



Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
6.25" x 5.25"



Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
8.5" x 4.25"



Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
5" x 5.25"


Stained and scorched vintage grain sack fabrics and bits of vintage book cloth.
Machine and hand stitched.
5.5" x 5.75"


Wishing you all the best for the New Year.