
Friday, November 16, 2012

The Beauty of Blue

I found these beautiful, blue, made in Japan, Moda fabrics at my local quilt shop a few weeks ago, and absolutely had to add some to my stash. That faded and aged looking print is by far one of the best commercial prints I think I have ever seen!

Finding it hard to creatively focus with all of the stuff that went on this past month, I have decided to just keep concentrating on making some table runners for the immediate time being,  as I love their versatility and simplicity.

These blues are as soothing as can be, don't you think? They've got a good zen quality going on.

And speaking of blues, our yard has been filled with flocks of blue birds! We usually see them here and there from time to time, but we have never had flocks of them before. This lifts my spirits, as for years I have attached positive meanings with certain birds. They are kind of a symbol to me that all is well. Cardinals signify that I am on the right track, and blue birds, not surprisingly, symbolize happiness and joy... a reminder to really let go of my worries and count my blessings. 

Hmm... does that sound crazy or not? Do any of you have certain symbols that you look for as reminders that, as Robert Browning once wrote, "God's in his Heaven - All's right with the world!" If so please let me know in your comments, as I am curious.

As usual, you can find more about this runner in my shop. Just click here.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Love your blues. They are really Zen-like. So calming. I'm glad the "bluebirds of happiness" are visiting you!

    I also attach positive meanings to things. The one I like best is the sound of my heartbeat when I sit very still and focus inside. That's my "everything" is OK place.

  2. the blues are wonderful and soothing..they are amazing for a commercail product....

    as far as signs...yes...ladybugs or ladybirds...i know then it will all be okay and i am on the right track...:)

  3. That is a wonderful blue print... will look for it here.

    I always watch for hawks when I travel. When I see them circling or sitting in the trees by the side of the road, I think of them watching over me.

  4. OMG!!!! I love love love those blues! I must have me some.

    When I come home and see Frank on the couch, kicked back, cuddled with two of the three bassets, I take that as a great sign!!!


  5. Love your blue table runner. I went on my daily walk and saw a blue heron. It took to flight and I could not believe how big of a wing spand that bird had! It is one beautiful creature!

  6. Oh my goodness, I'm so completely in love with those color associations, this quilt is a beauty!

  7. So pleased to hear you are cancer free, I'm sure you are sighing with relief.
    I guess just being out in nature, seeing the beauty in everyday things makes me feel like the world is a beautiful place to be. Amazing how much joy a bird can bring to our spirit, isn't it?

    Lovely runners, the blues are just right.

    Happy sewing

  8. "Zen" is the word I would use, too -- these pieces are so very peaceful, so reminiscent of quieter days and times. So glad you're back in the zone and creating what you heart wills you to make.


  9. your runners are beautiful in their simplicity~!

    around here the hummingbirds begin to migrate into the area in late may or early june but every year i hang the first feeder on mother's day. if i happen to see a hummer visit that feeder on that day (which is really quite early to be watching for them) i feel somehow validated as a mother.
    it happens sometimes but not every single year so it always seems special.

    i hope that the bluebirds continue to bring you 'flocks' of joy~!


  10. I've seen and fondled those fabrics here! By the way how do you get your photos to look like the runners are floating in space?

  11. A lovely runner using these lovely fabrics. The week after I saw 4 magpies in my garden one morning, my grandson was born 8 weeks prem! 2nd baby is due in February, I wonder if I'll see any magpies this time?

  12. I love that you all also have certain signs and symbols that you feel signify something positive and good! (And isn't it interesting that so many of us seem to look to birds as our messengers of hope and affirmation?)

    Clare, here is how I do it: First, I take a photo of the item on white foam board, (which gives me a photo of the item and the shadow from the item cast onto the white foam board.) Now, even though the foam board is white, it's not a stark white. Plus sometimes I need to use more then one board, so I am left with visible lines where the boards butt up against each other. (And I don't want that). So, I upload it into photoshop elements, (poor mans version of photoshop) and I erase any seam lines, (or anything else unwanted that may have gotten in the background). Then I go to the paint bucket application and fill the entire background with white paint, to make the white really white and bright. All that is left now is my item and a bit of the shadow. Hope that makes sense.

  13. Oh- that is lovely fabric! Love your table runner!

    My little sign is when the sun rays are bursting through the clouds. The Light of God streaming down.

  14. Mandi, that's another one of mine too... exact same interpretation!

  15. Oh wow, I love the way you've incorporated the floral into this piece. It's very tranquil. I can imagine the sunlight falling on it... and bluebirds flying around it on the washing line. Fanciful!

    Birds have always featured in my work from drawings and installations to embroideries and quilting. I use them as a metaphor for myself. For a number of years they were always dead and dried up as I went through a serious depression. Now I find the wren a good sign. I love to see them in my garden and they're creeping into my work. I like the way they have beautiful, big voices and yet are so tiny and unobtrusive, but they still survive :)

    We don't have bluebirds here - they must be an amazing sight. x

  16. Is that the "Kasuri" collection? Which print colourway did you use, Victoria, the blue or slate? Very, very pretty!

  17. westernwilson, Yes it is the "Kasuri" collection, and I used both blue and slate colors.


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